St. John Valley area From our Files – Week of December 4, 2024

Compiled by Linda Pelletier, Special to The County
2 weeks ago

50 Years Ago — December 4, 1974

  Christmas openers – Santa Clause parade in Madawaska on a Saturday in 1974 was a “tremendous success,” according to its organizers: the St. John Valley Kiwanis Club of Madawaska, the Madawaska Lions Club and the St. John Valley Council of Knights of Columbus, Madawaska. Close to 500 children paraded through the K of C Hall to whisper into Santa’s ear for jolly Christmas treasures, after watching the parade wind through downtown Madawaska, from Evangeline School to the K of C Hall.

25 Years Ago — December 8, 1999

Looking up The landscape of downtown Madawaska was changed last week in December of 1999, with the final installation of the 100-foot tall windmill on Larry Beaulieu’s lot on Main Street. The wind-driven generator will provide power for Beaulieu’s business, generating thousands of dollars of savings annually. Beaulieu’s initial plans drew some protest from neighbors, but was ultimately approved by the municipal planning board.

10 Years Ago — December 3, 2014 

Officers bid farewell to faithful K-9 — U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agent and K-9 handler Dennis Kovach walked with “Mike”, his partner of six years, to a Caribou veterinarian’s office on Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014. The 11 year-old dog was put to sleep due to health reasons. Local, county and federal law enforcement officers saluted the pair as they made their way to the clinic.