PI thrift store owner starts free coat rack

7 years ago

As temperatures keep falling and winter approaches, one second-hand clothing store in Presque Isle is trying to make sure everyone can stay warm with free coats, gloves and hats.  

Sherri Theriault, owner of Second Chances Thrift Store on State Street, set up a special rack and bin outside on Tuesday offering free coats, gloves and hats to passersby who may need such items but can’t afford them.

“It is getting cold and a lot of people just don’t have a coat,” said Theriault, who opened the store two-and-a-half years ago.

“If you need a coat, have a coat. If you have a coat, leave a coat,” she said.

Theriault said she was inspired to donate winter items after seeing a Facebook post about another thrift store in downstate Maine offering people free winter gear.

“I saw her post and I thought, that would be good for our community here,” Theriault said.

“Anybody who needs a coat can walk up and take a coat, no questions asked at all. If I don’t have one out there that fits, please come in and I will try to find one in here and if I don’t have one in here, I will put a call out to everyone I know.”

By noon on Tuesday, when Theriault started the initiative, two coats had been taken.

Theriault said that people who want to donate their extras for the free rack can leave coats and winter items outside during the day or bring them in. Those items strictly will be made available for free and won’t be part of the items available for sale inside, she said.