SAD 20 board adopts new food service collection policy

11 years ago

SAD 20 board

adopts new food service collection policy

By Scott Mitchell Johnson
Staff Writer

    FORT FAIRFIELD — To help keep SAD 20 school lunch costs in line, the board of directors recently approved a new food service collection policy.

    Any student in grades 6-12 who has unpaid balances greater than $35 Oct. 15 will be ineligible for any extra-curricular activities, including driver education and/or any open campus privileges for the winter season (Nov. 8-Feb. 28).
    Outstanding balance checks will also be made Feb. 15 for the spring season (March 8-June 30) and July 15 for the fall season (Aug. 1-Oct. 31). Families with balances greater than $100 can make an appointment with the superintendent to address a possible payment plan.
    In addition, seniors with any outstanding financial obligation to SAD 20 will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony or related activities. Students may regain eligibility, however, when balances are paid in full.
    Notices will be sent to inform parents/guardians of any student owing greater than $20 on a bi-weekly basis. Three weeks prior to the tri-annual balance check dates, a letter will be sent to all parents with outstanding balances of greater than $35 as of that date. A follow-up phone call will also be made to each family.
    “The accountability changes were not taken lightly,” said Superintendent Marc Gendron. “Over $10,000 in ‘bad debts’ is currently owed to SAD 20. Previous policies have not proved effective in collecting funds. Individual families have accumulated balances of greater than $1,000 despite consistent communication and request for payments.
    “In light of the fact that free and reduced options are easily available for families who need assistance, we feel that the current situation is untenable and unfair to the citizens of Fort Fairfield who will ultimately shoulder the cost of unpaid debts,” Gendron said. “It is the parent’s responsibility to cover the student’s meal expenses and, while withholding meals from students would be another solution, we do not believe this to be the best educational option.”
    To qualify for free and reduced lunches, parents must complete the USDA application that is sent to them at the beginning of the year. Forms can be requested by calling the superintendent’s office at 473-4455. Payments can be made online with a credit or debit card at Parents may also pay directly at the school.
    Gendron said anyone with temporary financial issues preventing them from paying their bill, should call the superintendent’s office.
    “If your finances have changed from the beginning of the school year and you may now qualify for free or reduced lunch benefits, please call or write to request a free or reduced lunch application,” he said. “We are willing to work with you. Please help us keep our school lunch costs in line.”