Peculiar behavior in dogs

Gail Wieder, Special to The County
10 months ago

I was looking through Facebook the other day and came across some interesting facts about dogs. Some of you know from previous stories that I consider myself the Crazy Dog Lady. Doesn’t matter, where I see a dog, I talk to the pup before I talk to the owner. Except for service dogs, I will just look and admire them. Have you ever been around your dog or someone else’s dog and you wonder what they are thinking, I know I have. I am going to tell you about some common dog behaviors and explain them in human terms.

Staring is a way to tell you your dog wants your attention, he or she is not being creepy. This is their way of showing you affection and they want you to return the favor.

Has your dog ever howled, sometimes at the most annoying times? When a dog hears a high-pitched sound, a siren or whistle, they may start howling or barking. My new puppy did this the other day. My husband said he got on the back of the couch, put his nose in the air and let out a soft howl, my husband said it was like he was crying. I had left him and took my little Yorky Sadie for a walk, Ollie had just had surgery so he could not go. You do not really know if the dog is howling because it’s annoyed or hurts their ears.

One of the most adorable things your dog does is give you those big puppy dog eyes. Though most people melt and reward this cuteness with a treat, this is your dog’s way of saying he loves and trusts you.

If you find your pup looking at you before he is about to do something, this means he respects and desires your opinion. He understands you are in charge and does not want to upset you. My Ollie is not there yet, he has not learned whose boss … he thinks he is, but he is not.

Squinting or blinking of the eyes could mean your dog wants your attention and is ready to spend quality time with you. If you notice this behavior, check yourself, have you been too busy to be available for your pet, if so, make time it will be good for both of you.

If you look at your dog and their tongue is hanging out, he may be tired after playing, or it could be because he is studying you. When a dog does this, it is a sign they are relaxed, happy, and mellow. I do not associate this with Ollie much, when his tongue is out is usually after we have played fetch, I guess I will have to pay more attention to the little guy.

Does your dog ever make intense eye contact with you, or have you even noticed? If your pup does this, making eye contact with you, he is focused on you and you alone. He is very alert to your expressions and what you want from him. Ollie and I are working on this, when he looks me in the eye, he is usually up to no good, but he is still a puppy, he will learn.

If you are looking for an animal to bring home, check out the Central Aroostook Humane Society, we are located at 24 Cross Street in Presque Isle. We have some wonderful pets looking for their forever home. Our hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed for lunch noon to 12:30 p.m.  Please be responsible, spay and neuter.