Cancer screenings available

17 years ago

    HOULTON — Established in 1991, the National Breast and Cervical Cancer  Early  Detection  Program  (NBCCEDP)  provides  critical breast and cervical   cancer   screenings,   follow-up  services  and  information  to low-income,   uninsured,   underinsured  and  ethnic  and  minority  women. Screening  tests  can  detect  breast and cervical cancers at the earliest, most  treatable  stage  resulting in more lives saved.     To  raise  awareness of the importance of regular pap tests that help detect  cervical  cancer  and  mammograms  for  detecting  breast cancer, a special  Women’s Health Screening Day will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 19.
    Women  will  have  a free clinical exam and pap test at Houlton HEALTH 1st, and  then proceed to Houlton Regional Hospital where they will receive a no-cost mammogram.
    Screening  tests  and  medical  exams  will be provided at no cost to women who are: between the ages of 40 and 64, have  no insurance, or have insurance with a high deductible or which does not cover the cost of the tests, meet certain income guidelines and women  who  have  MaineCare  or  Medicare  Parts  A and B are not eligible.
    Pre-registration  is  required. Call 1-800-350-5180.