From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news

13 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
Special to the Pioneer Times

100 Years Ago-Nov. 23, 1911
Aroostook Times

    First snow — The first snowstorm of the season struck Houlton early and continued all day. About 8 inches fell and with the frozen ground and continued cold, it makes very good sledding.
    East Hodgdon — A large number of young people gave Mr. and Mrs. Herbert London a surprise party Friday evening in their new home.
    Ludlow — There is a very large petition being signed by the patrons of this mail route to have George Niles remain there as the carrier.
75 Years Ago-Nov. 19, 1936
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Snow fence — A local man, Chester Nickerson has constructed a machine to make snow fence. Until four years ago, Mr. Nickerson farmed on a small scale and devoted most of this time to the poultry business. He kept 1,000 hens and 100 hives of bees. Then came the lean years of the Depression. But the low ebb of the times held no terrors for this resourceful gentleman.
    Detective book — Friends of Mrs. Emily Porter Blair and her son, Halbert L. Porter, former residents of Houlton who now live in Washington, D.C. and write under the joint names of H.L. and E.P. Blair are writing a book entitled, “Three Saw the Murder.” It is an Aroostook mystery.
    Houlton — Alfred McCready, private secretary to Lewis O. Baird, interior decorator of New York City accompanied by his sister Miss McCready of Boston expect to arrive here Sunday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCready. Alfred with his employer, Mr. Baird, who have been traveling in France, Italy and other parts of Europe returned to New York on the S.S. Normandy.
50 Years Ago- Nov. 23, 1961
Houlton Pioneer Times

    New Jr. High — Houlton may have a new junior high school with 16 to 20 classrooms.
    Local product — “A” frame camps are being manufactured by the Passamaquoddy Lumber Co. at their Houlton plant at the airport.
    New position — A former Houlton resident, Rev. Royal G. Davis is now associated with the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, Calif. Rev. Davis was pastor here of the First Church of Houlton, Congregational-Unitarian. His latest appointment is with the largest Congregational Church in the United States.
25 Years Ago-Nov. 19, 1986
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Sherman — Sheila Quint has been named D.A.R. Good Citizen at Katahdin High School.
    Honored — Among the Aroostook Mental Health Center staff recently honored for long services, were Marilyn Ellis, Barbara Mintz and Bruce Glick.
    DeMolay — Justice James P. Archibald was awarded the Active Legion of Honor by the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, State of Maine.
    Credit card — Rapidly expanding Irving Oil Corporation, a Maine company with corporate headquarters in Ellsworth introduced a new customer convenience for statewide use; the Irving credit card. The first card was presented to former governor, Kenneth Curtis.
Houlton Pioneer Times 1986 File Photo
bs-fromfiles86-dc-pt-47IN COSTUMES — Following a study of periods of time in the 1800s, Mrs. Hollie McPartland’s second grade class at Houlton Elementary School enjoyed a day of dressing up in costumes of the era. Those participating were from left in front, Erica Davis, Kathy McLaughlin, Martha Cowperthwaite, Betsy Humphrey, Jason Tucker and Bud Cochran; second row, Patrick McAfee, Mark Doolen, Justin Bell, Amy Sylvain, Amber Ross, Megan London, Erika McCarthy, Nikki Nason and Karen Morgan; back row, Jim Wilmot, Jason Drouin, James Miller, Adam Carmichael, Tyson Cumming, Ryan Bushey and Nicholas Skehan.