Turkey Trot is Saturday: Event to emphasize fitness

13 years ago

    CARIBOU — For the first time ever the proceeds of the annual Caribou Turkey Trot will be going to a class at Caribou High School.
    Race director Evan Graves said the Turkey Trot, which is sponsored by Cary Medical Center, is a fund-raiser for the Class of 2014.
    The race will go off at 10 a.m. at Caribou High School on Saturday, Nov. 26.
    Walkers will begin at 9:45 and registration will start at 8 a.m. Registration will take place in the gym lobby at Caribou High School.
    This year’s race will be the same course as the past heading out on the Woodland Center Road from the high school then out and back on the Lombard Road.
    The traditional Turkey Award will be given to the top age group award winners (under 19, 20-39, and 39 and over), as well as the overall male and female runners.
    “We hope to see a great turnout this year and really look to emphasize the concept of fitness and the health benefits that come along with it,” said Graves. “The 5k is a great distance that even middle school aged children can enjoy and run.”
    A long sleeve T-shirt will be available to the first 50 runners to register.
    If you have further questions about the 2011 Turkey Trot e-mail Graves at gravespi@gmail.com for more information.