HOULTON — F. A. Peabody Company has pledged $10,000 toward the goal of making the ski area financially self sufficient as a local, community recreational facility. A local community group has begun a capital campaign to acquire Big Rock from the Maine Winter Sports Center. MWSC is interested in a successful transition to the local community so that the ideals set forth years ago of creating skiing as a wholesome family life sport may continue.
MWSC with the financial support from the Libra Foundation has owned Big Rock since 2000. MWSC purchased Big Rock with the intent of making it a sustainable enterprise that could eventually be turned back to the community and that time has now arrived.
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MAKES PLEDGE — F.A. Peabody Company recently pledged $10,000 to Big Rock Mountain campaign. FAPCO President Chris Anderson, left, recently met with Bill Getman, general manager of Big Rock, to discuss the pledge.
Chris Anderson, president of F. A. Peabody Company stated, “On behalf of F. A. Peabody Company, its employees and their families we are proud to support the continuation of Big Rock Mountain to enhance quality of life and to promote healthy lifestyles for all of Aroostook County. We are grateful for MWSC and all they have accomplished in the 13 years of ownership. It is now the community’s turn to support this important asset.”
To learn more about the Big Rock capital campaign and how you can help visit bigrockmaine.com.