The savage and willful betrayal of northern Maine

11 years ago

So you think you are better off now than 40 years ago? Ask your grandfathers and fathers what happened to the businesses and jobs that Aroostook County used to have? What happened to the potato farms and the timber and lumber and paper industries?
What if I told you that all of this happened under the watchful eyes of the Maine Legislature? Yes, the past Governors, Secretary of State, Attorneys General, Senators and Representatives. The legislative power that is located in the southern part of Maine — Waterville and below — received the benefits while your legislators willfully gave it to them and watched the deception without a fight.
So, in the name of education and truth, I am throwing caution to the wind and revealing the politics as it is. We all have been savagely and willfully betrayed by many elected politicians that we trusted and thought were our friends, and because of this, they have taken advantage of our confidence, naïveté and faith.
As the years have passed we have slowly lost what our Founding Fathers had composed in the federal and state Constitutions. These scammers have used our emotions and beliefs of justice and fair play and they have misled our direction, they have deceived us and they have changed our focus to allow Socialistic and Fascistic ideology to replace logic and common sense.
Because we enjoy our “American Dream” we trusted our elected officials to do our bidding, but we lost our way and we stepped back, fell asleep and literally gave them the farm and the power to rule and control us into a box. They were supposed to be our servants, and the appointed bureaucratic agencies were supposed to be responsible only to us and not special interest groups and those who profit from our tax dollars. We have sat back and willfully allowed our elected officials to tax us to death, chase companies out of Maine and we allowed them to defraud and divert land and property rights through the Land Use Regulatory Commission and the Department of Environmental Protection. And we allowed them to do this under the guise that it is for “the good of the collective” and it is good for the conservation of the environment.
We now have a historic and epic opportunity to reverse the careless policies that have caused Maine businesses to relocate out of state and abandon their trade and the jobs that supported them. At one time, Maine was known for its rail transportation, its lumber and paper industries, potatoes, apples, milk and meat, fishing and canning, shoes and its textile mills. All we have left now is to rely on the good will and good graces of the vacationers; and that industry is reliant on the national economy, which is also drying up!
Our research group, the Maine Constitution Coalition has exposed the fact that most of your past and some present legislators refuse to use the Maine Constitution. To prevent any further decline, we have created six Symposiums geared for the education for Legislators, Sheriffs, Attorneys General or any person that swears an oath to support the U.S. and Maine Constitutions. Due to the size and geography of Aroostook County, we are having two symposiums; one at the Sheriff’s Building in Houlton on Friday, June 27 and the other at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center on Saturday, June 28; both meetings will start at noon and end at 3 p.m.
All people are welcome, for more information, call me at 738-4861.
Phil Merletti of Lee is a founding member of the Constitution Coalition of Maine and he will moderate the upcoming symposiums called “Is what you see a reality? The house of cards is falling.”