Our hands are oily

16 years ago

To the editor:
    I guess we all now know that oil has become the “new currency.” Back in the 1970s I recall there were two nations who didn’t sign on to a treaty to trade their oil in dollars.  Can you guess which two nations these were? Yup, Iraq and Iran. This is more than just mere coincidence even if Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush deny that we’re over in Iraq merely for the oil or was it for the strewn flowers at our feet?
    I guess we can now all guess what went on behind the closed doors when Republican Vice President Dick Cheney met with the largest oil and energy companies, you remember, the “Energy Task Force” (Farce) Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Conoco and BP America. These oil companies should pay back every dime to American taxpayers that they have pilfered, and compensate every family who has so needlessly and regrettably lost a child because of this occupation of Iraq. In case you are wondering if Bush & Co. will preemptively invade Iran, just ask yourself, does Iran have any oil? You have your answer. Why not open the Gull Island Oil Reserve in Alaska? The rumor is that it has so much oil that they capped it to keep prices at an all time high.
    I submit also that the invasion of the Falkland Islands had much to do with oil, as it has recently been disclosed that the Falklands may be the site of the one of the world’s largest oil and gas deposits. Let’s not forget the recent incident in the Republic of Georgia near the Caspian. Let me suggest that Putin may be taking a page directly from the Cheney/Rove/Bush primer on Energy Imperialism by invading Georgia in a move to control the oil and gas which flows through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline or BTC enroute to Turkey and thence to other parts of Europe.
    Let’s not forget Richard Ben-Veniste, member of the 9-11 cover up, who has close ties to Unocal Corporation which was trying to prevent the Afghanis from building a trans-Afghanistan pipeline from the Caspian (near Georgia), where there is a estimated $16 trillion dollars worth of oil. Who sat on the Board for Unocal? Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage and Hamid Karzai. Oh and let’s not forget who was in charge of security at Boston’s Logan Airport — Menacham Atzmon a close friend of Ehud Olmert and the man most responsible for passenger and airline security on 9-11. An attack on American soil would surely bring Americans around to the Zionist way of thinking, that is “invade Iran”, genocide in Palestine and keeping Americans addicted to oil — Islamic Oil.
    So when you go to vote in November, remember who got us all in this mess, over a lie, a falsehood so that they could squeeze every drop of life from us and keep us imprisoned to this beautiful dream … that was once America. Exaudi Orationem Meum! (Lord hear our prayers!)

Richard Dyer
Micmac Tribal Elder