More than just a hill of beans

16 years ago

    More than just a hill of beans – Kevin Lagasse, a patient at County Dialysis Center in Presque Isle, was recently awarded a gift certificate to Governor’s Restaurant by Dialysis Center staff for winning a special bean-guessing contest. The contest was held in recognition of World Kidney Day and National Kidney Month. Staff at the Center counted out 2,568 beans, and dialysis patients were invited to guess how many beans were in the jar. Kevin won the contest by submitting a guess of 2,573 beans. Pictured, from left: Kevin, his wife Angela, and Donna Taylor, LSW. County Dialysis Center, a department of The Aroostook Medical Center, provides life-sustaining kidney dialysis treatment at its Presque Isle treatment center to people from all over Aroostook County, from the St. John Valley to Southern Aroostook.

Photo courtesy of TAMC