Stories by John Holyoke

6 years ago

State issues emergency bear-trapping rule to protect Canada lynx

On Wednesday, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife issued an emergency rule that further delineated legal practices by the state’s bear hunters. The impetus for that decision: Wildlife officials had become aware of a device they are concerned could harm federally protected Canada lynx.

6 years ago

Biologists expect busy bait sites as Maine bear hunting season begins

Maine hunters heading into the woods today on the opening day of bear season will be battling warm temperatures, but that shouldn’t hamper their efforts to harvest an animal, according to a wildlife biologist who has been studying the animals for more than 30 years.

6 years ago

Forget to enter Maine’s any-deer lottery? This is your lucky day

If you’re one of those hunters who’s a forgetful sort — the kind of person who sometimes wakes up the morning after the state closes the any-deer permit lottery, for instance, and realizes you didn’t apply … again — I’m happy to share some great news with you.