Maine Epsilon Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held the April meeting at the home of Dolores Hutchins.
President Bonnie Cowett was named Girl of the year and honored at the Founder’s Day Banquet in Limestone.
May 17 will be the final meeting of the year, at Marlene Kelley’s home. New officers will be installed and a Silver Circle ceremony is also planned. Muriel Blotner and Iris Towle are in charge of refreshments.
The May meeting of Epsilon Master of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home of Marlene Kelley. President Bonnie Cowett was recognized with the Girl of the Year Award. The group was pleased to have back many “snow birds” who are gone for the winter. New officers for the upcoming year were installed: President Jane Crouse, Vice-President Judy Kenney, Recording Secretary Lucy Adams, Treasurer Honey Higgins and Corresponding Secretary Peggy Erwin. The Silver Circle ritual was held for Jane Crouse. Many sisters shared stories and pictures of family. Plans were made for the Maine state convention in June and an outing for sisters in July. The next meeting will be held in September.