Thank you for your help!

17 years ago

To the editor:
On Tuesday, April 24 Christians from Patten to Fort Kent quietly gathered in private homes and area churches to conduct a prayer vigil for our friends and families affected by alcohol and substance abuse.

The “Body United” consisted of prayer warriors and intercessors throughout Aroostook County who were willing to pray in unity, with one purpose, and declare the promises of 2 Chronicles 7:14. In light of the number of drug-related arrests that took place from April 24 through April 29 these efforts were not in vain.
We wish to fully acknowledge and commend the intense efforts of law/drug enforcement officers and local communities over the past several months, yet believe it was no coincidence that one of the most successful weeks on record for drug enforcement was completed in the days following the prayer vigil. More than 14 arrests were made in Aroostook County, with an additional 82 arrests made statewide. In addition to praying on behalf of loved ones, prayer was also offered on behalf of our law enforcement and medical providers, asking God to provide protection and wisdom in the days ahead. Thank you to each one who gave of your time and energy to support hurting members of our families and communities.
A second prayer vigil for the “Body United” will be held on Tuesday, July 31, from 6-9 p.m., host sites will be published in local papers one week preceding the prayer vigil. Please consider joining us for this important time of spiritual intercession for our county. If your church or organization would like to serve as a host site for this event, please contact Transformations Ministries at 768-3400.

Nancy C. Nichols, president
Transformations Ministries, Inc.