Seniors gather for lunch

17 years ago

The Star City Seniors met at the VFW July 12 with 27 members and no guests. The blessing was said by Delores Brown, then we all had a lovely potluck luncheon.     President Betty Wilson opened the meeting with the “Lord’s Prayer,” flag salute and one verse of “America.” Our sick members are Marie Grandville Lamb, Donna Devoe, Ella Drost and Violet Frazier. Also remember Ann Smith, who came to sing for us different times, is sick. The secretary’s report was given last week and accepted. The treasurer’s report was given and accepted.
The NMCOA Picnic, all seniors’ club member’s picnic was at Mantle Lake July 16 from 12-4 p.m. Early birds were welcomed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig and band was with us to enjoy the fun. The meeting was adjourned to play Bingo. See ya all next time.
July birthdays were: Dorothy Lavaway, Dot McNutty, Kempton McManus and Frank Allen. July anniversaries were Roland and Delores Michaud.