To the editor:
Recently myself, and three other male co-workers, were scolded harshly by fellow staff for wearing hats during an all-staff training event. When the hat argument escalated someone came by and chimed in that “it was just good manners” to not wear a hat indoors. I would like to meet the person who decided that. It seems to me that the only time it is not good manners to wear a hat is if you are a male and wearing a ball-cap. There is a double standard when it comes to hats, for instance why does the Pope or a Cardinal get to wear a hat in church but not the priest or male parishioner? Why do police officers, airline pilots, postal workers and UPS drivers get to wear hats, but not teachers, accountants and lawyers? Why do women get to wear hats indoors or at funerals or on Easter but not me? Is it the flower in the cap that makes the difference?
What is so offensive about hats that make others feel the need to impose their anti-headdress fundamentalism on me? At times I wish I were Jewish, or a Muslim so that I could claim religious persecution on those who seek to keep my head uncovered, instead I am a male Christian who works in a field where hats are synonymous with youthful indiscretion and un-professionalism. My cross to bear I suppose, but to those who share my sentiments I tip my hat.
Wes Lavigne