1908-100 years ago
Half of the prescriptions that Caribou doctors wrote were for trouble that result directly from a weakened stomach. From now on, build up the strength of and health of your stomach with Mi-o-na tablets. You will soon find yourself strong and never know the meaning of indigestion.
The Aroostook Starch Company in New Sweden had a crew of men at work last Thursday clearing land to pile the lumber on for their new factory to be built next summer.
The seniors at Caribou High School netted $26 from a supper the week before.
There were many in the community who, for no fault of their own, did not have the educational facilities that they desired. In order to assist these people as much as possible, a number of citizens decided to institute an evening school.
The P. of H. Opera House featured Tenor Francis Sirios, accompanied by Pianist John W. Manning performing the very latest songs from Green’s Studio in Boston. Admission charged was 10 cents.
1933-75 years ago
Maine Potato Bag Co. installed new machinery and hired more employees to handle increased business.
The demand for Maine potatoes was expected to increase after a recent weak market.
Chimney fires kept the Caribou Fire Department busy during this season.
The New Sweden Lutherans hear the annual report from Pastor Jack Menton.
The U.S. Senate pigeonholed the nomination of Caribou’s postmaster, John S. Clark.
A cargo of Aroostook potatoes was shipped from Portland to Texas ports, marking the first time that Portland had been used for such shipments.
1958-50 years ago
Caribou’s evening school began its’ ninth-year with six courses in commercial subjects and clothing.
Trustees of the Nylander Museum proposed to install a new heating system for the building.
Ferris Freme announced his candidacy for county attorney on the Republican ballot.
Sen. Margaret Chase Smith wrote a column on Maine being the nation’s first line of defense.
The Caribou High School Vikings won their tenth basketball encounter of the season as they “bombed” the Washburn Beavers, winning 111-61.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hede hosted a wedding reception in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Hede who were married in California.
1983-25 years ago
Caribou City Council approved most sections of the municipal budget.
The Caribou and Presque Isle area experienced home heating fuel costs of 60 cents per gallon.
Roy Green was elected chairman of the Caribou Board of Education.
A new “motivational” flag was placed outside Caribou High School. The flag was flown any time a CHS student or organization made a major achievement.
Several members of the Caribou Veterans of Foreign Wars received awards for recruiting and life membership.
Caribou received 15 inches of snow during a January storm.
The State Board of Pesticides planned a public hearing after pesticides were found in some water supplies.