Island Falls library addition progresses

17 years ago
By Riva Hawkes

Library’s new addition
    The library's new addition is coming along nicely and will be painted soon, then the furniture moved in. The only thing lacking now are shelves for the storage of all the books for the children and any donations  in that direction would be greatly appreciated. 
    Library hours for those who do not have it at home are: Monday, 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 7: 30 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1to 4 p.m.
Returned from Boston
    Dave Parady has returned home after undergoing surgery in Boston, and according to a note from his wife Janette, he is doing very well and gaining back weight. Janette and Dave would like to thank everyone, friends, family, places of business, for their help with the benefit supper and auction that was held for Dave last month, and to all those who helped in any way. Special thanks to Ruth Frazier and Alice Beaulieu who organized the whole thing.
  Pastor Michael  Kasevich and wife, Linda, have returned home after spending a week in Connecticut visiting with family  and friends there.
Around the house
    Much snow has finally disappeared from around my house and I can now walk out to feed the birds without my boots on. My only problem now is to rake up the gravel now exposed on my lawn and driveway. I have swept up a lot of it from my driveway but the lawn is still too wet to rake.
    The coon is still coming at night to eat what few seeds I put in the feeders. So, first thing in the morning, I have to feed the blue jays and chickadees, juncos, and grosbeeks as the feeders are empty.
    I have discovered that the cats in my barn do have owners and hopefully one will arrive Saturday and take the pretty yellow one home. She is very friendly and has her special nest in the barn. The black one is from the area and wanders all over the place so I am not going to worry about him. the deer are still coming to eat up the bread and apples but are arriving much later, now that the days are longer. Their trails that they had made when the snow wasn't so deep are now showing so that helps them a lot. I saw a few sinking down quite  a ways last week as they came across my backyard and now they are having it a bit better.