Bridgewater correspondent
The Mars Hill Fire Department will hold their annual Fireman’s Ball Fundraiser on Saturday, April 26 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at he Mars Hill and Blaine Community Center. Cost is $20 per couple in advance or $25 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from any Mars Hill fireman. The band for the evening will be “Overdrive.” You must be 21 years of age to attend.
The Bridgewater Community Club will meet on Thursday, April 24 at 7 p.m. at the home of Eva Prest, 440 Boundary Line Road, Bridgewater.
The Community Club has been organized to promote friendship among women of all ages and to undertake projects that improve the community. Membership dues are one dollar per month, and all interested women are invited to attend.
For more information, please contact Cheryl Porter at 429-8002.
During April, the Bridgewater Recreation Department will be offering Sunday afternoon activities for families. Please plan to bring your family each Sunday for a few hours of fun. These will be family days, so no drop offs will be allowed!
The dates for these fun days will be April 20 and 27 at the Bridgewater Grammar School from 2 – 4 p.m. A variety of activities will be offered from snow shoeing, sliding, open gym, board games and more.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606. Hope to see your family there!
The Recreation Department is looking for some more board games. If you have any that your family does not use and you would like to donate them to the Bridgewater Recreation Department, they would greatly appreciate the donation. Donations can be dropped off at either the Bridgewater Grammar School or at the Bridgewater Town Office. Contact Chris Finemore if you have any questions.
On the first and third Thursday’s of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Community Center in Bridgewater, crafters are encouraged to join together to work on various projects. Bring your own supplies and projects as you share your knowledge of various crafts. Work together or individually with quilting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc. Everyone is welcome!
For more information, please contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606 or Melody Goff at 420-4002. Come relax and enjoy yourself as you socialize with other crafters.
Would you like to buy a copy of the History of Bridgewater? To raise money for their Sesquicentennial events, the Bridgewater Historical Association has copies of the book, The History of Bridgewater by Annie Rideout for sale. The book is a hardcover and sells for $35 each ($29 plus $6 S/H).
To avoid the shipping costs, books can be picked up at a BHA meeting.
During the winter, the BHA meets the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center on Main Street in Bridgewater. Only prepaid orders will be accepted. For more information, contact Denis Gagne at 429-8290 or Jann Votaw at 425-7901. Orders with a check for $35 can also be sent to: Bridgewater Historical Association, P. O. Box 341, Bridgewater, ME 04735. Information on the BHA can also be found at
A display of quilts and quilted items is being planned as part of Bridgewater’s July 24 – 26, 2008
Sesquicentennial Celebration.
This event, “Quilts Old and New”, will be held on Saturday, July 26 at the Bridgewater Free Baptist Church from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Everyone is the area is invited to provide new or vintage quilts, wall hangings, quilted apparel and quilted bags for the show. The Quilt Show committee wants to create a display that is rich in history and, to that end, requests that all items submitted for display, especially vintage quilts that have been passed down in a family, include as much as is known of the item’s history.
The Quilt Show committee invites your participation in the planning. The next meeting is scheduled for April 12 at 11 a.m. at the Bridgewater Free Baptist Church. Additionally, the committee hopes that the event will result in a group of people who are interested in meeting on a monthly basis to encourage and support both new and experienced quilters.
For more information or to get involved, please call Rita Hersey at 425-4492.
The Bridgewater Sesquicentennial Committee has received copies of “The History of Bridgewater, Maine” written and originally published by Annie E., Rideout in 1953.
The Henrietta Bradstreet family and Helen Rideout, heirs to the copyright of the book, graciously granted written permission to the Sesquicentennial Committee to have the book reprinted as part of the town’s celebration activities planned for July 21 – 26, 2008.
The Committee received the permission just before Henrietta’s death this fall, and an Acknowledgement to the heirs of Annie Rideout has been included in the reprint of the book.
Net proceeds from the sale of this copy of “The History of Bridgewater, Maine” will be donated to a charity designated by the Rideout heirs in memory of Megan Bradstreet, Henrietta’s great-granddaughter, who died in a tragic accident in 2005.
The cost of the book is $25 plus $1.25 sales tax plus $5.25 S/H for a total of $31.50. Anyone wishing to purchase a copy can email Diane Clough at e&, Rita Kingsbury at, or call Rita Kingsbury at 429-9359.