Ashland’s Sawyer supporting the arts for over 50 years

17 years ago

Robert Sawyer has always enjoyed music. His interest in singing began back in the early 1950s when he was a part of his school’s regular and boy’s a cappella choirs. Like many of us, Bob has never had any formal training, and he sings by ear, following the ups and downs of the notes on the page.

Bob went on to represent his high school and hometown of Scarsdale, N.Y. at the state level as a member of the All-State Chorus. Probably the most memorable experience for Bob though, was when he and many other choir members put on a production their senior year entitled, “Music for Memories.” Instead of performing a musical or designated arrangement of music, each participant chose songs which they enjoyed singing and that they felt best showcased their strengths as a singer. Bob performed the song, “Old Man River” from the musical, “Showboat.”
Throughout the years since high school, Bob has drifted in and out of singing. He participated in a musical during his college years and sang in the church choir when he lived in the South. After Bob put down roots in Ashland, he joined the Ashland Congregational Church choir. He laughed when he recalled that it was only himself and Clayton Turner for men in the group at that time. Currently, Bob can be heard singing at the Gray Memorial United Methodist Church in Caribou. He is one of the “Back Row Boys,” a nickname that the six men of the choir jokingly call themselves.
Since 2003, Bob has been involved in dinner theater and stage show productions as a member of the Presque Isle Community Players (PICP). The PICP is made up of people with varying talents from set design, hair and makeup, choreography, singing, acting, etc. A lot goes into bringing a production to fruition and the Players welcome the participation of many whatever your special talent may be. Typically, dinner theaters have been held in the fall, around the end of October and the first of November. Stage shows take place at the end of winter, usually at the end of February and beginning of March. Since joining the group, Bob has been in five productions: “Silver Spoon Saloon,” “Play It Again,” “100 Years of Broadway,” “The Music Man” and “Annie.” Bob is proud to be connected with the Players group and has made many lasting friendships as a result. He encourages anyone who would like to be a part of a show to go and audition when the casting call is posted in The Star-Herald.
For more information about the PICP, check out their Web site at For further information, you can also call Jim Derosier, PICP president at 764-4757 or Brian Lamont, PICP secretary at 762-1351.
So, keep an ear out because until he can sing no more, Bob will continue to support the arts and make a joyful noise wherever he goes.
Mr. Ashland Pageant
This year’s pageant will be held Friday, April 18 at 7 p.m. at the high school gymnasium. Come on out and see the fine group of young men vying for the title of Mr. Ashland 2008. They are sure to put on a great and funny show. All proceeds from the evening will benefit Project Graduation 2008.
Singspiration Scheduled for April 27
The Garfield Pentecostal Church will host a Spring Singspiration Sunday, April 27 at 6 p.m. All are invited to attend, whether it be to participate or just to listen and be entertained. If you haven’t been to a Singspiration before, it is a lot of fun. Please consider coming and bring a friend.
Ashland Boy Scout Leaders Receive Awards
North Star District held its annual Recognition Dinner Saturday, April 5 at the Lions building in Mapleton. After a wonderful ham dinner put on by the Mapleton Lions Club, special awards were handed out to recognize Cub and Boy Scout leaders for all the work that they do. Receiving Scoutmaster of the Year was Linda Milligan of Ashland and Assistant Scoutmaster of the Year, Polly Libby, also of Ashland. Both ladies put a lot of time and effort into Boy Scout Troop 179 of Ashland and are so deserving of their accolades. Congratulations!
Project Graduation to Host Bluegrass Concert
A bluegrass concert will be held Saturday, April 26 at the Ashland Community High School gymnasium. The show will start at 7 p.m. and feature Wilf Clark and the Misty Mountaineers, as well as the Aroostook County Bluegrass Band. Cost for the concert is $10 per person. All proceeds will go toward ACHS 2008 Project Graduation. Please come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment.
Portage Lakers ATV Club Raffle
Members of the Portage Lakers ATV Club are currently selling raffle tickets. The grand prize will be a mini ATV, second place will be a $25 gift certificate and third place is a $20 gift certificate. Certificates were donated by The Sled Shop and Harry’s of Presque Isle. The winners will be drawn after the Memorial Day Parade at the Portage Town Hall. Tickets can be purchased from any club member. For more information, please contact Kathy Gagnon at 435-4361 (work) or 435-6223 (home).
Recipes Needed
The Portage Lake Cookbook Committee is in need of recipes for our centennial cookbook, which will be available in 2009. We are looking for favorite family recipes, both old and new. We would love to hear from past residents of Portage Lake, as well as current residents. Look through your recipe collection for recipes for snacks, smoothies, desserts, main dishes, soups, salads, etc. Please be as specific as possible with measurements, directions and the size of cans, packages and pans so that others can successfully make your recipe. Recipe forms will be available at the Portage Town Office or Coffin’s Store. They may be dropped off at the Town Office, Coffin’s Store or send your handwritten or typed recipes to Lou Sandy Boutot, P.O. Box 4, Portage, Maine 04768. You may also e-mail recipes to Cheryl Raymond at or Gail Gagnon at Please put “Portage Cookbook” in the subject line. The deadline for sending recipes to be included in the Portage Lake Centennial Cookbook is May 1, 2008, so hurry and get your family’s favorites to us. Thank you.
Ongoing Events
The Ashland Area Senior Citizens group meets every Thursday at noon at the Ashland Rec. Center. Any senior citizens wishing to participate in the potluck lunches and meetings are always welcome.
The Portage Lake Seniors’ Lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11 a.m. at the Town Hall. All seniors are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share or give a cash donation. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.
If you can help plan for Portage Lake’s Centennial Celebration, please contact Barb Pitcairn at 435-2368 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
Ladies, are you interested in crafts or have some that you’ve started and just can’t seem to finish? If so, take yourself over to the Portage Lake Municipal Building for Girlz Night every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy the company and the satisfaction of finally completing a project!
    (Julie Graham-Berry is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and surrounding townships. She can be reached at 435-7137).