Building donated back to city for more development

17 years ago
By Debra Walsh
Staff Writer

    The keys to a Sweden Street building, which once housed a computer software company, were ceremoniously handed over to the city on Thursday allowing the building again to be used for economic development.

ImageAroostook Republican photo/Debra Walsh
    Caribou City Manager Steven Buck, right, accepts the keys to a Sweden Street property from Jeff Gramlich, president of CCH Small Firm Services, during a ceremony Thursday. CCH, the parent company of ATX, donated the property to the city for further economic development purposes.

    Jeff Gramlich, president of CCH Small Firm Services, owner of the 52 Sweden St. property, gave the keys to Caribou’s city manager, Steve Buck, during a press conference at the building.
    It’s anticipated that a new “high-tech” firm will soon occupy the 2,400 square foot space, local officials said.
    CCH is the parent company of ATX, a Caribou business that earlier this year consolidated its operations, laying off about 50 people, and moved part of the firm to Georgia.
    CCH moved the software development team that had occupied 52 Sweden St.  across the street to 63 Sweden St., where about 75 people work at the computer software company.
    “It’s an extremely generous donation,” said Buck after receiving the keys.
    Gramlich said that the donation is an effort to contribute to the continued economic development in the community.
    “We just wanted to help out the community and show our commitment long term,” said Gramlich.
    The property has a tax value of $143,900, according to the city tax office.
     The CCH donation brings the investment into the 52 Sweden St., property full circle. In 1992, the then Caribou Development Corporation purchased the property and gave it to Glen Willette, who started ATX.
    In turn, the city plans to donate the building to a budding technology company with the intent of re-employing former ATX call center technicians, Buck said.
    The Caribou Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Northern Maine Development Commission are working with another high-tech software company that is expected to occupy the facility in the “very near future,” according to the city manager.
    While city and chamber officials declined to name the company last week, a new tech support company has started operations in a Main Street office in Presque Isle with former ATX employees.
    According to published reports, Virtual Managed Solutions also plans to open a business and training center in Caribou.
    The company was started by C.B. Smith, a telecommunications engineer formerly with ATX, and one of the employees who became unemployed on Dec. 27, 2007.
    Within two months of the layoffs, Smith had the company up and running, according to “Maine Biz.”
    CCH Small Firm Services encompasses professional tax and accounting software offered under the ATX and TaxWise brand and professional tax research software offered under the Kleinrock brand.
    It has more than 540 full-time employees in Caribou, Florida and Georgia.