Rifle and Pistol Club
to meet
The monthly meeting of the Houlton Rifle and Pistol Club will be held August 3 at the range located adjacent to the Houlton International Airport. The meeting is at 7 p.m. with shooting to follow. All members are encouraged to attend.
Drive-in or Fly-in
Mainely Sport Planes seventh annual fly-in or drive-in will be held August 8-10 at 53 North Road in Patten. There will be plane rides, a candy drop, water slide, a jump house on the premises and three meals a day at The Hanger.
For more information, call 557-3780 or 735-4641.
Swim Program open
The Southern Aroostook Swim Program will be held at Jim and Nancy Lilley’s residence on the Smyrna Center Line Road from August 18-21. Non-residents are also welcome.
For more information or to register, call Cindy Schools at 538-9257.