Paul Suitter named to Dean’s List

16 years ago

    OAKFIELD — Paul E. Suitter of Oakfield was named to the dean’s list at Bates College as a result of his scholastic standing during the second semester of the 2007-08 academic year.
    To qualify for the dean’s list at Bates, a student must maintain a better than B+ average for the semester, for a minimum quality point ratio of 3.67.
    Suitter, a junior majoring in political science, was named to the College Key in recognition of his outstanding academic and extracurricular achievement. He studied abroad in Vienna in fall 2006. A 2005 graduate of Southern Aroostook Community High School, he is the son of Heidi Pratt, 331 Oakfield-Smyrna Road, and Timothy Suitter of Houlton.