Special to the Aroostook Republican
In Caribou this weekend, several community groups focused their energy on kids. Caribou Pet Rescue, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), EMA, Caribou Policy Department, and Caribou Fire and Ambulance focused their energy on a Safety ID Day for Kids and Pets, as well as seeking good homes for pets that have waited too long.
The feline twosome, Raymond and Gladys, named after Raymond and Gladys Whittier, of Caribou, who recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary, posed for several photographs during the Safety ID Day for Kids and Pets. The event was held over the weekend as part of the Caribou Cares About Kids celebrations. Raymond and Gladys are healthy, clean and loving cats who need a good home. They are available for adoption for a price of $25 for the pair.
The Caribou Chamber of Commerce also had an Adoption Center at Teague Park for CPR. It was a busy and productive day. Cooperation was at an all time high with smiling work partners teaming up to help visitors at the tents. Plans are being made on how to make next year even better.
Although CPR does not say, “Your time is up” to any pet for space requirements, we have to reasonably look at our need for empty cat units and decide how to create room for more needy pets and still remain true to our mission statement. For CPR this means offering terrific adoption price deals.
CPR spends about $130 on medical care per cat and with an adoption fee of $75.00 we are taking a financial beating. Why does CPR drop the price of adult cats to only $25.00 and why do we have an even greater special price of such deserving and wonderful cats as Philip and Trevor ($11 for the two together) and our famous couple “Raymond and Gladys ($25 for the couple)?”
These are loving, clean and healthy adult cats who simply have had the misfortune of people walking past them to look at someone sweeter at the moment. Raymond and Gladys were named in honor of Raymond and Gladys Whittier, of Caribou, who celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary this summer.
Philip and Trevor, although shy, have developed a close friendship and cannot be parted or even out of each other’s sight. Hopefully, we can find a good home for each of these loving twosomes.
We will keep this special price of $25 on all adult cats for the entire month of August. We hope to place 40 adult cats in that time.
We have about 35 adoptable, loving and playful kittens. Our CPR kitten playroom is so full that you cannot open the door without seven or eight slipping between your legs in their race to explore the rest of the shelter.
We will drop the kitten adoption fee from $75 to $50 for the first 10 approved adoptions coming through the door from Wednesday, August 13 through until Saturday, August 17 at 5 p.m.
CPR will continue to work harder at raising funds and trying to save money on daily operating costs. We continue to pray for more good homes and wish all pet owners would become responsible about spaying and neutering. However, this is not a perfect world and there are too many imperfect pet owners.
Tent Sale: We have received a truckload of new items in our tent sale this week. Please stop by and see what items you might want. Two of the biggest loads came from families who were moving.
The Gift that keeps on living: When your heart is sad about losing someone you love, when your birthday comes and no one knows what to get you, when any occasion arrives and your family and friends can only think to give you more beautiful collectibles to dust, please suggest the “gift that keeps on living.”
A gift made in your name (In memory of, or in honor of you) at Caribou Pet Rescue will enable CPR to provide loving care for another animal. The average daily cost of providing medical care, direct animal care and comfort care to each animal until he is adopted is $5.64.
NEW HOURS: CPR open hours are now: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Hopefully, these new hours will encourage additional adoptions in the evening hours as well as save on wage expense. Employees have two work shifts on closed days. If you have an emergency, leave a message on the answering machine and the next shift will return your call.
Returnable bottles: continue to spay/neuter many precious animals. This fundraiser is a weekly blessing to CPR. We appreciate your support.
Call 498-3800 for information or check out our pets at www.cariboupetrescue.petfinder.com. Caribou Pet Rescue, 6 Richards Rd., PO Box 488, Caribou, ME 04736 Neuter and Spay – It’s the ONLY Way.