HOULTON – The following cases were heard at the Houlton District Court during the month of June, 2008.
Rory A. Baldwin, 25, Thorndike: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Justin Barry, 21, Monticello: sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
Darlene M. Brown, 22, Houlton: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
Brittany Caron, 20, Houlton: operating under the influence (OUI), $500 fine and 48 hours in jail.
Ronald Caron, 43, Houlton: disorderly conduct – loud unreasonable noise, $100 fine.
Jessica M. Carr, no age given, Patten: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Dennis K. Casey Jr., 41, Oakfield: fishing violation — number, amount, weight or size (fish), $50 fine.
Jerome H. Castle, 39, Canton, Penn.: rule violation – duty status not current, $250 fine.
Jennifer G. Clark, 40, Linneus: attaching false plates, $100 fine.
Susan R. Coates, 37, Patten: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
Thomas L. Coates, 63, Patten: theft by receiving stolen property, $200 fine.
Ramon Davila, 28, Houlton: violating condition of release, $250 fine and 24 hours in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine and 24 hours in jail.
Ricky A. Drake, 49, Hammond Twp.: domestic violence assault, $300 fine; driving to endanger, dismissed; domestic violence reckless conduct, $200 fine.
James W. Drinkwater Jr., 32, Milo: rule violation – operating after disqualified, $500 fine.
Brian J. Duncanson, 38, Windham: possession of marijuana, $500 fine.
Josue R. Echevarria, 19, Bridgeport, Conn.: abuse of another person’s property, $250 fine.
Margaret Eckert, 53, Houlton: allowing dog to be at large (two counts), $50 fine (first), dismissed (second).
Ervin Farrar, 61, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; failure to register vehicle, $100 fine.
Shelby L. Fitzpatrick, 19, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
William Fitzpatrick, 47, Hodgdon: passing stopped school bus, dismissed.
Thomas F. Frazier, 21, Island Falls: attaching false plates, $100 fine.
Dean Joseph Gallant, 46, Miscouche, Prince Edward Island: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Amos J. Gardiner, 59, Rock Island, Ill.: rule violation – operating after being disqualified, $500 fine.
Tonya A. Garnett, 35, Steuben: permitting unlawful use, $100 fine.
Leon R. Gervais, 35, Steuben: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Kristopher K. Given, 32, Island Falls: burning without permit, $50 fine.
Tanya M. Graham, 27, Houlton: disorderly conduct – fighting, $100 fine.
Cynthia Grant, 18, Linneus: failing to stop, remain, provide information, $100 fine.
Joshua Grant, 30, Houlton: endangering the welfare of a child, 10 days in jail.
Aaron R. Greenlaw, 33, Houlton: disorderly conduct – fighting, $200 fine.
Dustin Richard Haney, 19, Houlton: violating condition of release, 22 hours in jail.
Mathew Hathaway, 22, Houlton: sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
Glenn G. Healey, 52, Witless Bay, Newfoudland: attaching false plates, $100 fine.
Peter H. Horn, 43, Weare, N.H.: violating protective order, $200 fine.
Barry Ivey, 44, Ludlow: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
David Izzo, 25, Houlton: sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
Robert S. Kaelin, 44, Hersey: violating protective order, $150 fine.
Michael H. Kent, 49, Marietta, Ga.: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
Joseph A. King, 19, Island Falls: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail; forgery, 48 hours in jail; theft by deception, $181 restitution.
Drew A. Lawrence, 29, Debec, N.B.: rule violation – operating after disqualified, $250 fine.
Leigh T. Leavitt, 28, Gonic, N.H.: OUI – one prior, $700 fine, 15 days in jail, license suspended and 18-month registration suspension.
Joahua R. Lee, 20, Haynesville: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Patrick J. McAfee, 29, Houlton: violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.
Allen R. McLean, 21, Littleton: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
Joseph J. Moran, 41, Houlton: disorderly conduct – loud unreasonable noise, 48 hours in jail.
Floyd Muncey, 33, Monticello: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Francis A. Murray Jr., 58, Bridgewater: burning without permit, $50 fine.
Laurent P. Nadeau, 53, Turner: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Justin L. Oaks, 25, Horton, Kansas: rule violation – operation 11-hour rule, $250 fine.
Melinda Parent, 22, Hodgdon: failing to make oral or written accident report, $250 fine; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $250 fine.
Christopher J. Pieh, 43, Dyer Brook: domestic violence assault, $300 fine and 26 days in jail.
Robert Polchies, 46, Houlton: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
Onix N. Ramos, 35, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Michael J. Rich, 19, Houlton: violating condition of release, 24 hours in jail; criminal mischief, $200 fine, 72 hours in jail and $400 restitution.
Danny J. Rioux, 32, Gardner, Mass.: operating after suspension, $200 fine.
Kevin L. Sanders, 29, Jay: operating snowmobile under the influence, 48 hours in jail and $400 fine.
Timothy J. Sanderson, 28, New Limerick: violating fishing rule, $100 fine.
Ryan Elden Schillinger, 22, Smyrna: disorderly conduct – offensive words, gestures, 48 hours in jail; criminal mischief, $200 restitution.
Jeremy A. Shay, 19, Danforth: rule violation – smelts closed waters, $200 fine.
Justin Smith, 18, Houlton: minor possessing liquor, $200 fine.
Dustin Soucier, 23, Corinth: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Dylan St. Louis, 19, Harrisville, R.I.: operating unregistered ATV, $100 fine.
Michael J. Stevens, 43, Deseronto, Ont.: rule violation – operating after disqualified, $500 fine.
Stephen A. Stickney, 29, Boxford, Mass.: failing to have fishing license or permit, $68 fine.
Lucas Suitter, 23, Stacyville: operating while license suspended or revoked (prior), $500 fine, 50 hours community service.
James W. Tarr Jr., 42, New Limerick: disorderly conduct – offensive words, gestures, dismissed; assault, $300 fine.
Gregory A. Tidd, 44, Houlton: violating fishing rule, $50 fine.
Marcus A. Toner, 19, Houlton: attaching false plates, $100 fine.
Eric Totten, 21, Ludlow: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Kenneth E. Trecartin, 55, Houlton: violating protective order, 48 hours in jail.
Ronald H. Trecartin, 26, Houlton: violating protective order, 30 days in jail.
Ray W. Varney, 19, Houlton: minor consuming liquor, $200 fine.
Jesse S. Walters, 36, Hooverville, Penn.: OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Mindy P. Watson, 21, Oakfield: violating condition of release, 24 hours in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
James H. Willette Jr., 55, Bangor: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Zachs Express Inc., Houlton: failing to register vehicle within 30 days, $100 fine.
Miriam C. Zuraik, 34, Houlton: failing to register vehicle, $100 fine.