Add another feather to Caribou Kids festival hat

16 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    The Caribou Chamber of Commerce and Industry along with local businesses, community residents and kids, kids and more kids, proved that even with the parade gods frowning part of the day on Friday,  nothing was going to prevent the annual Caribou Cares About Kids Festival from being anything but a huge success.

ImageAroostook Republlican Photo/Barb Scott
    The Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry were leading the way down the parade route during the annual Caribou Cares About Kids Parade, Sunday afternoon. From left are: Steve Lunn, Wendy Landes, Jenny Coon  and Jeannie McLaughlin.

     Even though the parade was rescheduled from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, other events planned for that day took place, attracting lots of kids and parents.
    On Saturday, it was full steam ahead as large numbers of residents took advantage of all the events taking place on both ends of the city and in the middle.
     With the daytime events coming to an end in the late afternoon, those who hadn’t had enough excitement took in the Block Party downtown, featuring music, street dancing, laser tag, a dunking booth and of course cotton candy, even free pizza for the kids.
    Sunday afternoon with the temperature rising and the clouds clearing, participants in the annual hour-long Caribou Cares About Kids Parade began making their way from the Skyway Plaza, up Bennett Drive, down High Street continuing through town reaching the end of the route on Sweden Street.
    During the three-day festival, kids and parents alike were hard pressed not to find anything to do, given the wide variety of activities going on.
    There will be more pictures in next week’s edition of the Aroostook Republican and News, along with a second article highlighting the different organizations, businesses and volunteers involved in this admirable undertaking with the Caribou community.