Self-employment workshops offered

16 years ago

    Maine Centers for Women, Work, and Community will offer “Introduction to Self-Employment,” a free introductory training on how to start your own business. This introductory workshop will walk you through the pros and cons of owning your own business, show you how to get started step by step, point out the major elements of a business plan,  introduce resources available in Aroostook County and statewide, and help you decide whether self-employment is the right choice for you.
    The workshop will be offered in three locations: on Thursday, Aug. 21, at the Van Buren Community Center; on Wednesday, Aug. 27, at the David Bernard Community Center in Fort Fairfield; and on Thursday, Sept. 4, at the Caribou Learning Center. Each class will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    The Introduction to Self-Employment workshop is open to women, men and all entrepreneurs who are considering starting a business.
    For more information or to register today, contact Erica Quin-Easter at Women, Work & Community at 764-0050 or Pre-registration is required, and there is no fee for the workshop.