Personal money management is five-session topic in Sept.

17 years ago

    A free workshop entitled “Financing Your Future,” with information to help manage money to meet individual and family goals will be offered during the month of September by Women, Work, and Community.
    This five-session workshop will help participants become more comfortable and confident with money. They will learn money management tools and budgeting ideas; explore financial attitudes and beliefs; look at their current financial situation; and make a savings plan to build assets and get out of debt, said Erica Quin-Easter, microenterprise coordinator at WWC.
    The Financing Your Future training will take place from 2-5 p.m. on Wednesdays from September 3 through October 1 at the Houlton Higher Education Center. The workshop is open to women and men, individuals and couples who want to build financial skills and get control over family finances. Participants from all income levels are welcome and encouraged to attend.
    For more information or to register, contact Quin-Easter at 764-0050 or e-mail to Pre-registration is required, and there is no fee for the workshop.