Staff Writer
FORT FAIRFIELD – Tractors of all shapes and sizes, and their drivers, took part in this year’s Potato Blossom Festival, with dozens participating in the annual tractor pull.
Pulling results are now in, thanks to the Maine Antique Tractor Club/Northern Branch, measured in feet and inches.
Those taking part in the 2,000-lb Class, and the positions they finished in include: first – Jeff Roy, Farmall A, full pull; second – Jon Poitras, John Deere-L, 191.9; third – Matthew Sullivan, John Deere-L, 169.7 (youth puller); fourth – Niklas Roble, Farmall Cub, 143.11; fifth – David Plaud, Massey Pony, 135.1; and sixth – Leon Plaud, Massey Pony, 5.8.
In the 3,000-lb Class, Jon Poitras finished first in a pull-off, traveling 130.2 on his John Deere-M. Dennis Quient placed second in his John Deere-320, with a pull of 119 feet.
In the 4,000-lb Class, participants included: first – Keith Kingsbury, Oliver 70, 123.6 (pull-off); second – Jeff Roy, Farmall H, 119.9 (pull-off); third – Logan Brewer, Oliver 70, 189.8; fourth – Robert Watson, Allis-Chalmers, 183.7; fifth – Lynn York, Farmall Super C, 177.3; and sixth – Ellie Snyder, Farmall, 144.11.
Pullers in the 5,000-lb Class included: first – Paul Doody, Oliver 77, 127.1; second – Paul Boulier, Massey 44, 120.7; third – Lynn York, Cockshutt 40, 115.9; fourth – Larry Bull, Farmall Super H, 109.1; fifth – Kelsey Turner, Farmall H, 108.4 (youth puller); sixth – Keith Kingsbury, Farmall 300, 107.11; seventh – Dominic LaJoie, Farmall H, 104.1 (youth puller); and eighth – Jeff Roy, Oliver 77, 98.3.
Competitors in the 6,000-lb Class included: first – Rodney Brewer, Oliver Super 88, 153.1; second – Danny Berentes, Farmall Super M, 146.11; third – Lucas LaJoie, Oliver 77, 140.4; fourth – Chad Kingsbury, Farmall M, 126.11; fifth – Ardith Turner, Farmall 300, 123.7; and sixth – Phil Kilcollins, John Deere-D, 122.7.
Participants in the 7,000-lb Class include: first – Tami Kilcollins, Farmall Super M, 177.5; second – Troy Doody, Farmall Super M, 167.9; third, Brad LaJoie, Oliver 77, 154.9; fourth – Norman LaJoie, Farmall Super MTA, 151.1; fifth – Jay LaJoie, Farmall Super MTA, 136.1; and sixth – Shane Turner, Farmall 400, 131.4.
Taking part in the 2,500-lb Class were: first – Gil LaJoie, Farmall Super A, 155.4; second – Sky LaJoie, Farmall Super A, 140.7 (youth puller); third – Nicholas LaJoie, Farmall Super A, 138.5 (youth puller); fourth – Richard Carter, Allis-Chalmers, 116.1; fifth – Lionel Roy, Farmall A, 112.8; and sixth – Matthew Sullivan, Allis-Chalmers, 106.1 (youth puller).
In the 3,500-lb Class, participants included: first – Jimmy McCarthy, Allis-Chalmers WD, 155.9; second – Robert Watson, Allis-Chalmers, 150; third – Arthur York, Farmall Super C, 147.6; fourth – John Morrissey, Allis-Chalmers WD, 142.5; fifth – Joe Cheney, Ford 8-N, 132.5; sixth – Lyndsay Maynard, Ford 8-N, 131.1; and seventh – Jon Poitras, John Deere-M, 130.3.
Pullers in the 4,500-lb Class included: first – Logan Brewer, Oliver 70, 122.4; second – Lionel Roy, Farmall H, 121.6; third – Larry Bull, Farmall Super H, 116.4; fourth – Chad Kingsbury, Massey F-65, 114.6; fifth – Roger Quient, Farmall H, 108.4; sixth – Larry Kingsbury, Massey F-65, 108; seventh – Logan Brewer, Farmall 300, 105.9; eighth – Dean Jordon, Farmall H, 103.11; ninth – Don Akley, Farmall F-20, 103.1; tenth – Nichols LaJoie, Farmall H, 103.1; eleventh, Sky LaJoie, Farmall H, 101.7; twelfth – Dominic LaJoie, Farmall H, 100.4; and thirteenth – Jon Maynard, International 300, 99.1.
Competing in the 5,500-lb Class were: first – Logan Brewer, Oliver Super 88, 138.1; second – Troy Nichols, John Deere-G, 137.3; third – Rodney Brewer, Oliver Super 88, 136.4; fourth – Paul Doody, Oliver 77, 135.1; fifth – Shane Turner, Farmall 300, 134; sixth – Arthur York, Cockshutt 40, 131.3; seventh – Earlan Turner, Farmall 300, 126.4; eighth – Lionel Roy, Oliver Row Crop, 119.9; ninth – Paul Boulier, Massey 44, 118.7; tenth – Jerod Kingsbury, Farmall H, 112.2; eleventh – Matthew Sullivan, Massey 44, 108.6; twelfth – Hadley McNamee, Massey 333, 107; and thirteenth – Larry Kingsbury, Farmall H, 99.1.
Vying for top honors in the 6,500-lb Class were: first – Brent Edgecomb, Farmall Super M, 158.2; second – Shane Turner, Farmall 300, 136.3 (pull-off); third – Gaylen Thibodeau, Farmall 300, 135.5 (pull-off); fourth – Jerod Kingsbury, Farmall M, 139.1; and fifth – Kelsey Turner, Farmall 400, 135.8.
In the 7,500-lb Class, competitors included: first – Troy Doody, Farmall Super M, 141.4 (pull-off); second – Tami Kilcollins, Farmall Super M, 140.1 (pull-off); and third – Ardith Turner, Farmall 400, 166.9.
Rounding out the event were competitors in the Open Class, including: first – Dennis Quient, John Deere-830, full pull; second – Phil Kilcollins, Farmall Super M, 192.7; third – Troy Doody, Farmall Super M, 144.3; fourth – Chris Bouchard, John Deere-720, 124.11; and fifth – John Bouchard, John Deere-720, 124.6.
In addition to the pulls, club members were asked to return to yester-year, showing off skills in some long-forgotten farm tasks.
“Our club was asked to recreate some of the ‘old’ farm tasks that they did years ago, in celebration of Fort Fairfield’s 150th anniversary,” said Cheryl Boulier, of the MATC.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
TRACTOR PULL contender in the Youth category was Zach Dow.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Boulier
ROBERT WATSON wore his lucky shirt as he pursued a winning pull during this year’s Potato Blossom Festival in Fort Fairfield.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Boulier
PHIL KILCOLLINS, of Fort Fairfield, proved to be Champion Barrel Roller for 2008 during festivities at this year’s Potato Blossom Festival.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Boulier
‘PINK LADY’ Bonnie Quient showed off her tractor skills during pulls held in Fort Fairfield this summer.