Around the Region

16 years ago

CSD 9 prepares for vote
    DYER BROOK — CSD 9, in Dyer Brook, will hold a district budget meeting on Monday, September 8, at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at the Southern Aroostook Community School.\
    On the following Monday, September 15, the district will hold its referendum vote for the CSD 9 budget for the 2008-2009 school year.
Sen. Sherman questions Pesticide Board nominee
    AUGUSTA – Sen. Roger Sherman (R-Aroostook) has been involved recently in interviewing Governor John Baldacci’s nominees to the Pesticides Board.
    Sen. Sherman’s committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry heard testimony last week and asked questions of the Governor’s nominees to the Pesticides Board. The board oversees the use of pesticides on crops and in forestry.
    Sen. Sherman said he believes that it is important the board remain an organization that oversees the use of pesticides rather than a board that discusses whether pesticides should be used at all.
    “The Pesticides Board is an important board to farmers. The Governor’s nominees were by and large well qualified for the board with only one nominee not being supported by the committee,” he said. “It is important to remember that the purpose of the board is to act as overseers rather then a task force to study the use of pesticides. The members we supported in committee will be excellent additions to the Pesticide Board.”
    Nominees supported by the Agriculture Committee were later confirmed to their post on the Pesticide Board by the full Senate during the Senate Confirmation Session. Thomas Qualey of Sherman, Daniel Simonds of Rangeley and Charles Ravis of Winthrop where all selected to join the board.
Prescription drug return set for Sept. 6
    The Houlton Transfer Station will be holding a prescription drug return on Saturday, Sept. 6, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Anyone with unwanted/expired medication is encouraged to bring the medications to the site for disposal. The event is being hosted by the city, local police and ASAP Coalition.
Hunter safety training available
    A nine-hour Hunter Safety Course has been scheduled by MSAD 29/70 Adult Education for two dates in September. The course will run Tuesday, Sept. 9 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Houlton High School, Room 32, and Saturday, Sept. 20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Houlton Higher Education Center.
    To register for this course call MSAD 29/70 Adult Education at 521-3100, ext. 5
GED and H.S. completion classes resume
    MSAD 29/70 Adult Education at the Houlton Higher Education Center begin classes for the GED and high school completion this week. Call 521-3100, ext. 5 to make a registration appointment for these classes.