Raffle nets $11,000 for patient care

16 years ago

    Visiting Nurses of Aroostook (VNA) net $11,151 from its recent pellet stove raffle.
    “We sold nearly 700 tickets,” explained Saundra Scott-Adams, executive vice president. “The pellet stove and cash awards are timely prizes and we couldn’t be more pleased with our first-year results. We are grateful to the community for purchasing tickets. The proceeds will be used to provide uncompensated care to our home health and hospice clients.”
    VNA would like to thank Affiliated Healthcare Systems and the County Stove Shop for providing generous donations that reduced their costs to conduct the raffle. The Caribou Movie Gallery and Wal- Mart provided space to sell tickets at their location. VNA Citizens Advisory Committee members Erin Benson, Lynn Lombard, Paula Flora and Melville Gould volunteered their time and energy to make the raffle successful. VNA staff members Pat Casperson in Caribou, Terri-Ann Miller and Diane Lane in Houlton and Lorraine Rich in Fort Kent sold the most tickets. Rose Edgecomb and Lynn Dube in Caribou coordinated the fundraiser.
    Prize recipients are as follows: Pellet stove and installation, Sheila Gustafson of New Sweden; $500 cash prize, Lynne Adams of Connor and  $100 cash prizes went to Gordon Ledger of Amity; Karla Harrison of New Limerick and Dan Dionne of Grand Isle.