Power grid expansion breakfast topic

16 years ago

    Connecting Aroostook County to the rest of the Maine power grid is the subject of the next Business Breakfast, co-sponsored by the University of Maine at Presque Isle and LEAD [Leaders Encouraging Aroostook Development]. The Business Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 23, at 7:30 a.m. in the University’s Campus Center.
    Brent Boyles, president and CEO of Maine & Maritime Corporation and its subsidiary Maine Public Service Company, will serve as the guest speaker. Boyles will speak on the Maine Power Connection, a project of Maine Public Service Company and Central Maine Power Company created to study the feasibility of building a new transmission line from Aroostook County to the New England transmission electric grid.
    Right now, the MPS system is connected directly to the eastern Canadian electric power grid through New Brunswick. However, there is only a 25-mile gap between the MPS lines in Houlton and the Maine Electric Power Company transmission line that runs through Haynesville and connects to the New England bulk power transmission system. This summer, officials submitted a petition to the Maine Public Utilities Commission seeking permission to construct a 345 kV transmission line that would, for the first time, connect northern and southern Maine bulk transmission grids. The project is expected to enhance competition, enable the development of renewable energy resources and improve service and reliability.
    Boyles has 24 years of experience in the regulated electric utility industry, with extensive experience in corporate planning, regulatory compliance, rate design and operations. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Military Academy, a graduate degree in management, and a master of science degree in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College.
    The cost of the breakfast is $8, payable at the door. Interested individuals should RSVP by Thursday, Sept. 18, to Liza Maynard at 768-9755 or liza.maynard@umpi.edu.