Chadwick Florist is also turning 100 years old

16 years ago

To the editor:
    Your paper of July 30, 2008, carried a most interesting story on a century-old established business in Houlton – Dunn Furniture and Funeral Home. Houlton continues to be well-served by this highly respected family business.
    I was reminded that another family business, Chadwick Florist, has also served Houlton for a century. Harold Chadwick established the business on his father’s property, 16 High Street, in September 1908. Following his untimely fatal accident, the family relocated the business to Spring Street, where it still exists. The family continued to operate the business through World War II, but it was eventually sold because of family member commitments to military obligations.
    It is pleasant to note that subsequent owners have retained the name Chadwick Florist and continue to offer excellent service to the public.
John H. Chadwick