Chamber intern learning valuable job skills

16 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE – The Presque Isle Chamber of Commerce recently began an internship curriculum that can earn participants up to six college credits.

    When you think of interns, one of the first images to come to mind is probably a hospital setting, where an individual trains to one day become a doctor and take on the responsibility of helping patients live long, healthy lives. For intern Adam Miles, working with the Chamber has some similarities to his hospital counterparts in that he too is learning what it takes to be a part of an organization responsible for helping new businesses spring to life and what it entails to keep them healthy now and for years to come.
    Theresa Fowler, executive director of the PIACC, came up with the idea as a method to incorporate the talent of local students, giving students an opportunity to work with the Chamber and local businesses as a way to promote local talent. Fowler’s goal is to help local artisans with the birthing process, if you will, of their products, providing local artisans with a venue to show off their creations.
    “My focus is to engage local college students to develop a list of entrepreneurs in Aroostook County and establish an exhibition of Aroostook County products. The intern’s objective is to contact local artisans and manufacturers to help promote their home-based products,” said Fowler.
    Miles, who is a senior majoring in business management at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, has been on the job for over a month and said he is enjoying his assignment.
    “We’re working to promote local talent. Their products will be displayed at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce office, where items will be open to the public for viewing as well as for purchase,” said Miles.
    “If anyone is interested in putting their products on display, they can contact us via e-mail at or call 764-6561,” added Fowler.
    Fowler said all products will be considered by a committee for inclusion in the exhibit.
    “This project for the intern is a great way to develop marketing and retail skills and is a highly-effective approach to network with other businesses,” said Fowler.
    Miles will be graduating in spring 2009 with an undergraduate’s degree in business management.
    “When I first heard about the internship at the Chamber, I was instantly hooked. I felt that this was an excellent opportunity for me to improve on my business and communication skills in a more concrete manner,” said Miles.
    Along with gaining hands-on experience and a business mindset, Miles said he’ll also be earning six college credit hours toward his degree.
    “I started interning at the chamber in the beginning of the spring semester of this year. Originally, I was oblivious to the Chamber of Commerce. However, since I started interning for the organization, I’ve obtained knowledgeable information about the Chamber and its relationship with local businesses and communities throughout Aroostook County,” said Miles.
    Miles said as he’s continued to “learn the ropes” with his internship, he’s noticed his own personal progression.
    “I am becoming more professionally inclined with developing a rapport with customers and have an enhanced work ethic that helps prepare me as I look to enter the workforce,” he said.
    Miles recommends internships for anyone interested in learning more about a particular career.
    “If you are a college student or graduate and have the opportunity to be a part of an internship program, I highly recommend taking full advantage of it. It provides hands-on experience pertaining to your degree; it is a great resume builder and can open up a lot of doors for you as you enter into the job market,” said Miles.
    Fowler said she’s pleased with the program and she’s enjoyed working with Miles.
    “This is a win-win opportunity. Students like Adam learn valuable job skills and the Chamber benefits through the use of those skills. This has been a wonderful opportunity for all involved. It’s a pleasure working with Adam,” said Fowler.
    For more information on the PIACC, visit


ImageStaff photo/Kathy McCarty
    ADAM MILES, a senior business management student at UMPI, is serving as an intern at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce. His main assignment is to contact area artisans, working with them to display and market their creations.