PRESQUE ISLE – BRIDGES Transition will sponsor its Mission Transition Thursday, April 9 at Northern Maine Community College in Presque Isle.
Mission Transition is being offered from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the Edmunds Hall to youth with special needs in Aroostook County. This “school to life” transition forum will be a time for students to find out about post high school educational programs and employment opportunities. This is a great opportunity for schools to bring students on a field trip and find out about transition, youth likes and preferences (per regulations), and give youth a chance to find out more about transition.
For schools facing limitations on field trips, ask about travel and substitute reimbursements in order to make attending possible. Parents, limited gas cards will be available to help you attend, as well.
Four “paths” are offered so there will be something for everyone. One pathway is designed for students that plan to attend community college or university and focus on what to expect once they are out and on their own.
A second path is intended for youth that would like to continue their life long learning by going to Job Corps or taking adult education classes. Youth will also find out about supports available such as job coach or supported employment.
The third path is planned for youth that would prefer to attend a dayhab program.
Additionally, the fourth path is designed for parents and providers. Workshops on how to find financial aid, advocacy and Social Security benefits are all scheduled for Mission Transition at NMCC.
Youth that sign up by noon, March 3 will get a Mission Transition T-shirt. Space is limited and pre-registration is required for accurate meal count, supplies and T-shirts. Organizers ask that teachers, parents and guardians work with youth to select the strand that best meets their post secondary needs. For more information or to sign up, call 227-0046 or e-mail
A snow date will be Friday, April 10.
Mission Transition is sponsored by the Department of Labor Division of Voc Rehab, BRIDGES Transition Council, Maine Transition Network, Regional Special Education Directors, NMCC, Department of Education and the Maine Parent Federation.