To the editor:
When we had the last election I thought we were electing a president, not a world traveler. He’s already campaigning for the next election four years from now. When is he going to go to work in Washington and save us from ourselves and come good on all the promises he made to save the world. But what can you expect from a born liar and the product of the crooked Chicago political machine. So far he hasn’t taken responsibility for anything. He also has a bad habit of blaming everything that’s going wrong on everyone else and not taking responsibility for his own stupid mistakes.
Barak Obama and Tim Geithner are two shining examples of abject stupidity on the part of American voters. How did the United States of America come to this? Since the founding of our country we were looked upon as world leaders of freedom of the people and the most economically prosperous country of the world. Others have looked upon America as a significant example of what man can accomplish when he has freedom and control over his own destiny. Somewhere along the line we’ve lost our integrity by allowing our government to get out of hand and establishing the benefit of a welfare state which is out of control, unsustainable and will ultimately lead to our downfall.
A close second to the epitome of stupidity of which is a hallmark of Obama and Geithner is about 85 percent of our House of Representatives and the Senate, who position themselves as lifelong political hacks, have a captive audience of welfare recipients and government employees who keep voting them in to get all the goodies promised them during election campaigns. They far surpass the citizens in the private sector who are the fundamental cornerstone of finance that is needed to sustain the system. A captive audience of incompetents is what keeps them in power.
Short of a complete collapse of our economy, the only way out of this mess is to storm the establishment and as our Muslim friends would put it — get rid of the infidels. I don’t aspire to allow such a thing to happen but ladies and gentleman our country is in deep trouble. This President has no clue how to get us out of this mess and he’s just making the problem worse.
He can’t blame George Bush for this when the last term of the Bush Administration was dominated by a Democratic Senate and House and they led the charge of this downturn in our economy along with the captive audience that voted them in to get the goodies promised. They didn’t realize that the private sector wasn’t large enough to pay the bills.
Gosh, with all the promises that good buddy Obama made during his electoral campaign I almost fell for his line that if he got elected we’d all be living in never never land and all our worries would be gone. When I woke up to the fact that he was a snake oil salesman, I voted against him but it was only a futile attempt on my part, I wasn’t part of his captive audience and was not privy to any goodies. I’m a member of the private sector and darn proud of it.