Community Notebook

16 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the chapel of St. Mary’s Church for Mass followed by Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday, May 4. We had special prayers by Fr. David Raymond, moderator.
   After the crowning we gathered in the parish center where we held a meeting led by president Betty Ann Childers.
President thanked Fr. Dave for the prayers and President thanked everyone for their attendance for the start of May.
Reports were given by secretary Ethel Mersereau, treasurer Bernette Roach.
Marcie Michaud will preside at the installation of officers at the June meeting. She will also audit the books.
Flowers were donated for the First Communion and Confirmation classes in May.
Many of the ladies paid for their reservation for the annual banquet Wednesday, May 27 at the parish center. The dinner will be catered by Cathy Bither.
Jane Stile told the group that she and her family were in Southern Maine and attended Mass with Rev. Thomas Murphy. Fr. Murphy said to say “hello” to all. Jane also visited Fr. Eddy Morin, former pastor, at the Lahey Clinic. Fr. Eddy is doing well after a liver transplant.
Fr. Dave thanked everyone for their Easter wishes of cards and gifts. He is checking into the inquiry about the flag being in the front of the church.
Cruz offered to help with the reception May 15 following First Communion Confirmation. Members will help with the refreshments.
Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Ethel Mersereau won the door prize. The seminarian fund was distributed.
We ended the meeting with prayers for the sick and everyone. We then had a special lunch provided by the May committee. Fr. Dave led the grace before the lunch.
The hall was decorated with several Easter baskets.
We will gather in the parish hall for the May banquet May 27. Guests are welcome.

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
A little late but Happy Mother’s Day to all our friends, young and old, away or near. We love you all!
What about the weather? It remains to keep cold with high winds but we are thankful for no fires, floods or other terrible happenings.
I had a wonderful Mother’s Day. My daughter, Kathryn Hall, arrived and spent an overnight with me. It was a wonderful celebration.
We enjoyed “Annie” at the high school on Saturday. Congratulations to all who participated, on or off the stage. You did great and are to be commended.
Our laundromat/hair salon is sporting a new color, blue, and a set of new machines, one a washer, the other a dryer. Thanks to our staff.
Another apartment is empty as of this writing. Nancee Campbell has moved to the Augusta area and so we will miss her. Thanks Nancee for knowing you and your always pleasing personality.
Looks like many of our tenants had a wonderful Mother’s Day-a lot of cards, packages and flowers were delivered to Ricker Plaza over the last few days.
By the time you read this, the cost of stamps will be in effect. According to an article, “Forever” stamps have no denomination, and will be honored whenever they are used.
I’ve always been told to warm up your car-now I read in a newspaper “Don’t warm up your car.” Idling gets you zero miles to the gallon. More than 30 seconds of idling on cold days wastes fuel and increases emissions. What do you say?
The month of May brings birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, graduations, and many more get-togethers. Are you ready for all these occasions? A reminder of our RSVP banquet coming up on a Thursday, in May. Look it up and don’t miss this one.
My Bible verse this week is: “The Lord  is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)
Have a wonderful week.

TOPS ME 233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, May 8 meeting.
Twenty ladies were in attendance including three KOPS. Nancy Shea, sister of Vicki Little, was a guest. Roll call was given. We all welcomed back Joanne Scott; she has been in Florida all winter.
Joyce Estey, leader, was out of state and Brenda Lacostic, co-leader, had charge of the meeting.
Denise Kinney was the loser of the week; runner-up was Barbara Troy.
The mystery gift was won by Juanita Warman; 50/50 went to Lois Downing and the skinny dish, Vicki Little.
Barbara Troy led the ladies in 10 minutes of exercises.
Brenda’s report was on “dodging cancer with broccoli,” and “sharpen your memory with apple juice.”
Charlotte Marley, in charge of contests, announced the winners of the Easter contest. Winner for the TOPS was Janette Nelson; Lois Downing for KOPS. A new contest, Fourth of July, will begin next Friday and run until the Fourth of July. Each member will keep track of her points.
The next meeting will be May 15. The meeting will start at 9 a. m. after weigh-in, which is 8-8:45.
If you wish more information about the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Everybody is welcome.

Oakfield Senior Citizens
By Charlotte Marley
Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club in Oakfield on May 6.
Thirty members enjoyed the potluck luncheon followed by Bob Locke opening the business meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag salute.
Celebrating May birthdays were Roger Ethier and Ursula Levesque. Several thank-you cards were read by Bob. All reports were read and accepted. Musical entertainment was provided by Roger Ethier.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 20.
Mystery gift winners were Mary Lawler, Pete Peters and Marie Gillotti.
Oakfield Senior Citizens meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Come join us! For more information please call Alma Clark 757-8363.
Attending were: Tessie Barrett, David Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Alma Clark, Jeanne Clements, Arlene Friel, Nancy Lawrence, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Kathleen Boutlier, Haldon Peters, Geneva Bell, Shirley Smith, Peggy and Lawrence Sanders, Jackie Kennedy, Jenefine Stevens, Pete Peters, Ursula Levesque, Wannetta Townsend, Delores and Bob Locke, Roger Ethier, Mary Lawler, Charlotte and Don Marley and Charlotte Lowell.

Happy Losers
By Shirtley Sides
On May 6, the weekly meeting of  the Happy Losers was held at the Congregational Church vestry. We always open our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 10 members weigh-in and nine attended our class. Annie Jane Smith was the loser for the week.  Riva Hawkes and Winnie Desmond were runner-ups. Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Hilda Clukey is our greeter every week. Our leader, Jackie Pratt, led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article on “Helping the Scales.”
Meetings are very informative and interesting. Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday with weigh-ins from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45. The meeting starts at 9.
Call 365- 4884 for more information and see you there. Hi Phil S.