Easton correspondent says ‘goodbye’

16 years ago

    This will be my last column of the Easton news for The Star-Herald after about 25 years. I’m happy to report that you will have another correspondent for the coming years and I’m sure a very good one. Debbie Smith (Mrs. Vance Smith) has happily signed on so please help her by reporting your visits, visitors and special events. It’s hard to chase out-of-state cars around to find out who they are visiting. I wish her the best and I will help out as much as I can.

    A group of students from the French Club at the Easton Junior/Senior High School and their chaperones and some family members have lost all the money they worked so hard to earn this past year for their trip to France. The tour money was paid, plans were made, and now they learn that all was not to be; the company that they had booked with for several years has filed for bankruptcy. This leaves students, parents, chaperones, and the others who were planning to take the trip, up the creek without a paddle. There is no way that the money can be retrieved in time to go and most likely it cannot be retrieved ever. This has been really tough on those students who were looking forward to this special trip and the fact that all their hard work is wasted. The trip with Voyageur Educational Tours cost $65,000 and Easton High School is not the only school that has lost out. There were schools all across the country that also got the sad news. Lawyers are looking into this, trying to at least retrieve some of the money back for them but there is very little hope that this can be done, at least not in the near future.
    The Easton Future Farmers of America who attended the Kansas City National FFA Convention were Luke Budreau, Brooke Hammond, Chris Flewelling, Marrissa Parlin, Stephanie Hammond and Cody Tompkins. Luke competed in the Discussion Meet and Extemporaneous Speaking in which he placed third in both Career Development events. The Ag Mechanics team unfortunately did not place, but members included Brooke Hammond, Chris Flewelling and Marrissa Parlin. Stephanie Hammond competed in Floriculture and Extemporaneous Speaking but did not place. Cody Tompkins competed in Job Interview and Creed Speaking and got third in Creed Speaking. Carl Mullen did not go or compete this year, but he was on the committee for voting for our new state officers. This is called nom-com and he represented us very well.
Grand Opening
    The only grocery store in Easton has changed hands. What was once Mike’s Family Market is now Country Farms Market, owned by Mark and Haley Kelly of Mapleton. During the week of May 11-16, they held a grand opening, and on the last day, everyone was invited to a free cookout in front of the store where hot dogs, chicken and sodas were served. On this day, all of the door prizes were drawn and these are the winners: the leather jacket went to Kitty Scott, the $50 gift certificates went to Julie Lilly, Rena Richardson, Barbara Kurr, Barry Wolverton, Gene Johnston, Avis Hume, Tricia Brayan, Randy Ferris and Freda Dionne. The coolers went to Mona Saucier, Deb Tompkins and Lois Shaw, the coolers with stand were won by Mike Howlett and Angie Johnson. T-shirts went to Suzanne Adams, Peter Charette, Katharine Scott, George Leach and Daniel Corbin, while Elsie Codrey won a T-shirt and hat. Barbara McKeen won a grill set and so did Jean Stickney, while David Hayes won a toiletry bag and Marcia Smith got a tent. It was a great day and we wish the young couple a great business.
    Nina Trask, Ezalee Smith, Lindy Fowler, Joann Johnson and Marie Hewitt recently attended the 34th annual Volunteers for RSVP Appreciation Celebration at Lester Knowlton VFW in Caribou. They were told that if anyone is interested in doing volunteer work and getting credit to please call Marie Hewitt at 488-6672.
    Peggy Mitchell of Presque Isle and her mother, Glenice Craig, drove to North Andover, Mass. to visit with Peggy’s son, Randy Mitchell, wife, Lynn, and children, Kirsten, Allison and twins, Samantha and Sophie. While there, they attended the first Communion of the twins. Glenice’s son, Larry, wife, Melanie, and little daughter, Mackenzie, of Falmouth drove down to spend Mother’s Day with them. They all took Glenice out to Glosgo’s for dinner. On Peggy’s and Glenice’s return, they stopped off at Larry’s to spend a couple more days before coming home.
    Larry and Barbara Barnes spent a long weekend recently with her mother, Marjorie Corey. While here, Larry got to pick a good supply of fiddleheads, leaving some for Marjorie and enjoying some of them at supper with Barbara’s sister and family, Jill and Fred Barnes and Amy. While here, Larry visited with his brother, John, in Fort Fairfield, taking him for a tour of the surrounding town for old times sake. They had to hurry home so Barbara could freeze the remaining fiddleheads.
    Joann Johnson has been busy visiting lately, first with a trip to Augusta to attend a wedding of her brother, Ronald and wife, Ann’s granddaughter, Caity Grant. Joann rode down with Ann, her daughter, Kim and Kim’s son, Nate, and Ronald, who drives a trailer truck and was on his way with a load, drove down in his truck, parked it, took in the wedding and continued on his way. Tuesday before last, Joann drove to Bristol, New Brunswick, Canada, to visit with a cousin, Opal Derrih, and they went on to Juniper and spent the night with Peter and Hazel Brooks. They also visited with Elizabeth and Raymond Wasson in Esdraleon where Elizabeth is recovering from surgery.
    Our sympathy goes out to the family of James “Frenchie” Theriault of Mars Hill, who passed away May 20. James was in the Maine Medical Center in Portland for heart surgery when he died. Frenchie and his family formerly lived in Easton where he purchased the former Chip Dodge building in the middle of town and made a home of it. His children all graduated from Easton High School. Several years ago he purchased the restaurant, Al’s, in Mars Hill and he, his son, Eric, and his wife, Freda, made a great success of it. They moved to Mars Hill to live a few years ago. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Freda, sons, Richard and Eric, and daughter, Billy Jo, and the many friends who knew him.


ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    THE EASTON FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA who attended the Kansas City National FFA Convention were, front row, from left: Stephanie Hammond, Brooke Hammond and Marissa Parlin. Back row: Cody Tompkins, Luke Budreau and Chris Flewelling.


Photo courtesy of Eldora CarterImage
    CELEBRATING THEIR 25th ANNIVERSARY May 2 were Sue and Wayne Patterson of Easton. Pictured behind the couple are, first row, from left: their daughters, Dawn Hansen of Sarasota, Fla. and Tammy Stockley, of Chester, Conn., granddaughter, Kristin Wells, and Jody Dube and great-grandson, Brooke, of Connecticut. Back row: Crystal Gadair and great-grandson, Mason, of Easton, granddaughter, Korrin Patterson of Easton, and son, Wayne Patterson, of Colchester, Conn. A happy day for all.


ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    SUE AND WAYNE PATTERSON enjoyed the surprise 25th wedding anniversary given for them by their family May 2 at the Easton Odd Fellow’s Hall. Many friends and relatives were there to celebrate with the couple.




Photo courtesy of Eldora CarterImage
    MARK KELLY, the new owner of Country Farms Market in Easton, watches the gathering on the last day of the grand opening. At the right is his brother, Mike, his friend, Troy Rossignol, and Mike’s wife, Jennifer.


 ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    ON SATURDAY, MAY 16, the week of the grand opening of Country Farms Market ended with a cookout of hot dogs, chicken, chips and sodas. The store is now owned by Mark and Haley Kelly of Mapleton. Here, Mark’s father, Mike Kelly, mans the grill while brother, Mike, looks on.


Photo courtesy of Eldora CarterImage
    IN FRONT OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS, Wayne and Sue Patterson renewed their wedding vows on their 25th wedding anniversary with Judge Bernard O’Mara officiating.





ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    MANY PEOPLE from Easton and surrounding towns gathered to enjoy Country Farm Market’s grand opening May 16. The store has recently been purchased by Mark and Haley Kelly of Mapleton.