More than 60 Northern Maine Community College students had an opportunity to shine recently as they were recognized in front of family members and College faculty and administrators during the annual Student Honors and Achievement Awards Ceremony. Students were honored for academic excellence as well as for campus involvement.
“For many of our students, this is the first opportunity for them to receive recognition at this level,” said Bill Egeler, dean of students. “I believe it’s important that we recognize our students for their academic achievements and accomplishments, not only because it is so well deserved, but also because it sets a benchmark for other students. When excellence is noticed and celebrated by the institution, it motivates and raises aspirations for others. We know our students value their education and that they often times have to go through a lot of struggles personally to balance work, family and school, making their success all the more impressive.”
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ACADEMIC HONORS — Northern Maine Community College has announced that Karen Hardy of Houlton received an academic achievement award from the business technology department for her course work in medical coding and Stas’ Ginnish of Danforth received honors from the trade and technical occupations department for welding and metal fabrication.
Faculty from each of the College’s academic programs typically pick one senior to recognize with the Academic Achievement Award for their respective programs. This award is based on numerous criteria, including overall academic performance, degree of improvement, participation and behavior in the classroom, and more.
Academic achievement award winner from the business technology department was Karen Hardy of Houlton for medical coding.
Being honored from the trade and technical occupations department was, Stas’ Ginish of Danforth, for welding and metal fabrication.
The Falcon Spirit Award was presented to six students who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help make the NMCC campus a better place for both students and employees. Nominees typically have made campus contributions through activities such as tutoring, fund raising, volunteering, or athletics. Students awarded were Aaron Conroy, Joane Maingrette and Kelley McLaughlin of Presque Isle; Justin Lyshon of Bangor; Candice Rivera of Bridgewater and Evelyn “Dee” Sock of Ashland.
Being named Sports Academic All-Stars for maintaining a 3.0 or greater grade point average while playing on one of the College’s sports teams were: Blake McCarthy and Brock Kingsbury of Bridgewater; and David Flint of Houlton.
Also recognized for being nominated for inclusion in Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges were 31 students. There were 34 students honored for their service to the college with a Community Service Award.
NMCC Community Service Award was presented to students who have volunteered and contributed their time, energy and knowledge to help with a variety of activities. Several students were also recognized for their leadership on campus as the officers of the various student organizations including; Student Senate, Phi Theta Kappa, Student Nurses Association and Early Childhood Education Club.
Based on a vote by students across campus, emergency medical services and nursing instructor Daryl Boucher was recognized as Instructor of the Year by the Student Senate.