Wicked good

15 years ago

ImageImagePioneer Times photos/Elna Seabroooks  
WICKED LONG RUN — Roger Marquis, left, and son Hogan teamed up for a marathon 500-mile run from Fort Kent to Kittery to raise scholarship money for Camp CaPella which provides handicapped-accessible recreation for children and adults with disabilities. Pioneer Times sales executive Dave Bates, an experienced marathoner flanked by the pair, caught up with them in Houlton Saturday afternoon near the “Rec Center” on their second day out. Father and son alternate jogging and peddling on a bicycle that carries their supplies. Outside Littleton on the way to Houlton, Hogan said the road was “rough, the hilliest I’ve ever seen.” Roger, an experienced marathoner, said they were “averaging about nine minutes per mile.” Weary and a bit sunburned, they stayed overnight in Houlton and got an early start Sunday morning. The fund-raising father-son team  said people have been generous with pledges and some even chased them to hand over cash donations for Camp CaPella. They expect to arrive in Kittery on Sunday, May 31. To monitor their progress or learn more about the camp, visit: http://wickedlongrun.blogspot.com/ or www.campcapella.org.