All-stars, officers lauded at council

15 years ago

ImageContributed photograph
CHAMPIONS – The Houlton All-stars captured the District 3 Little League championship and will play the first game of the state double-elimination tournament on Saturday at 2 p.m. in Ellsworth. Playing for the team are, from left, front, Matthew Tuttle, Connor Grant, Cameron Graham, Patrick Howe, Isia Bouchard, Logan Ellis and Abe Lorom; back, coaches Barry Lorom and Shawn Graham, Billy Phillips, Nathan Mooers, Nick Cowperthwaite, Zachary Hagan, Jacob Worthley, Caleb Tribou and coach Eric Cowperthwaite.
By Elna Seabrooks
Staff Writer

    HOULTON — The Houlton Town Council acknowledged the Houlton Little League All-star baseball team with a proclamation citing their accomplishments to represent District 3 in the state championships beginning Saturday, Aug. 1. At its Monday meeting, the proclamation thanked “the players and coaches for their positive contribution to our town.” Chairman Paul Cleary also recognized the commitment of the parents in supporting the team.
    Police Chief Butch Asselin presented commendations to Sgts. Eric Crouse and Fred Parker for their dedication and volunteerism in the community. Asselin also cited the officers for their instrumental roles in developing the memorial service for fallen officers and the Citizens Police Academy. He specifically mentioned their commitment to the community and excellent performance with “no expectation or request for compensation.” Several residents who were at the meeting were graduates of the citizens academy and applauded the two officers when they each accepted 2009 Community Service Awards.
ImagePioneer Times photo/Elna Seabrooks
COMMENDED — Sgts. Fred Parker, left, and Eric Crouse hold their 2009 Community Service Awards after accepting them at the July 27 meeting of the Houlton Town Council. Houlton Police Chief Butch Asselin, center, praised their dedication, volunteerism and service to the community when presenting the awards.

    The council accepted a donation of plants, mulch and labor from Tom and Sally Callnan who also replaced several plantings due to weather conditions. Town Manager Doug Hazlett said the Callnans and the Garden Club had contributed to the beauty of the town with their generous donations “at no expense to the taxpayer.” He also said it seemed that at every meeting the generosity of residents is forthcoming.  
    The council also accepted $14,977 from the Department of Homeland Security to replace old car video systems  for  police cruisers.
    The execution of the Maine Municipal Association’s ballot for election of 2009 MMA officers and executive committee members as proposed by the MMA nominating committee was approved.
    The application of Tang’s Chinese Cuisine for renewal of a liquor license was approved.
    During councilors’ remarks, Walter Goodrich said he had seen more people using the sidewalks due to repairs. Generally, there was agreement that the sidewalk and road repairs were an improvement to the appearance of the town.
    Goodrich also said he had read a newspaper article that mentioned Houlton in a positive light for business activity while Lincoln had lost several businesses in this difficult retail economy.
    Brian Donnelly encouraged people to attend the double elimination tournament in Ellsworth and said “it should be some great baseball.”