Zippel School named after longtime teacher

15 years ago
By Dick Graves
Special to The Star-Herald

    Construction on Zippel School, located on the corner of Lombard and Griffin streets and adjacent to the high school, was begun in the summer of 1959. 

    The new elementary school was constructed in response to student overcrowding in the Presque Isle school system. The new school was ready to receive students in the fall of 1960. This new educational facility was dedicated that summer to Eva Hoyt Zippel, a longtime teacher who had spent 24 years in the local school system.
    Eva Zippel was a Fort Fairfield native first teaching in Presque Isle for three years from 1921-1924. After a teaching stint in New Jersey, she and her husband returned to Presque Isle to resume her teaching career for the next 11 years at the Training School.
    She also served as principal of that school. Zippel retired in 1959 and passed away 15 years later in 1974 at the age of 72.
    Sharon Brown, the past principal of Pine Street School, is the present principal of Zippel School and has been since the fall of 2007.


Eva Hoyt Zippel 


    ZIPPEL SCHOOL, located on the corner of Lombard and Griffin streets and adjacent to the high school, started being built in the summer of 1959 in response to student overcrowding in the Presque Isle school system. The new school was ready to receive students in the fall of 1960, and was dedicated that summer to Eva Hoyt Zippel, a longtime teacher who had spent 24 years in the local school system.

Photo courtesy of Dick Graves