Summer Tennis

15 years ago

ImageINTERMEDIATE – Playing Intermediate level tennis for the Houlton Parks and Rec summer program were from left, front, Rylee Warman and Alex Maker; back, Sarah Delano, instructor Derek Thomas and Morgan Grant. Absent from the photograph were  Rachel Toupin and Connor Bulley.

ImageJUNIOR HIGH – Playing in the junior high division of the Houlton Parks and Rec summer tennis program were from left, front, Ethan Nickerson, David Ngo and Josh Sullivan; back, Ronald Spencer, instructor Derek Thomas and Jordan Wilson.

ImageINTERMEDIATE – Playing  Intermediate level tennis for the Houlton Parks and Rec summer program were from left, front, Owen Gallop, John Thatcher and Amira Abouleish; back, Megan Collett, Madelene Anderson, Caleigh Sullivan and instructor Derek Thomas.

ImageBEGINNERS- Playing Beginning tennis for the Houlton Parks and Rec summer program were from left, front, Kamden Westerdahl, Gabriella Guiod and Cody Shaw; back, Danah-Rae Carmichael, Anessa Wilde, Makayla Watson, Millani King and instructor Derek Thomas. Absent from the photo were Alexis Miller and Taylor Cowan.

ImageJUNIOR HIGH – Playing in the junior high division of the Houlton Parks and Rec summer tennis program were from left, front, Nick Guiod, Isaiha Littleton, Jessica Geiger and Brandon Dunn; back, instructor Derek Thomas, Emily Dickison, Luke Grant, Natalie Rush and Isaac Cone. Absent from the photo were Alex Casillas, Adam Casillas, Nick Guy and Morgan Wiegand.

ImageINTERMEDIATE – Playing Intermediate level tennis for the Houlton Parks and Rec summer program were from left, front, Kody McCordic, Olivia White, Cassie Butler and Kierstin Langley; back, Justin Wilson, Janet Geiger, Nick Hagan, Zach Hagan and instructor Derek Thomas.