Community Notebook

15 years ago

Happy Losers meet  in Island Falls
The Happy Losers held their weekly at the church vestry on Sept.23 in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader led the meeting with our pledge and roll call. Loretta Bouchard was the person who lost the most weight for the week. Lois Green and Mary Shaw were runners-up. Great job ladies.
    The secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. The Harvest Moon team is ahead of the Autumn Leaves this week. We received a “thank you” note from the Food Pantry for our donation. Bouchard led the program for the week. She read an article from the Biggest Loser.
The meeting was informative and interesting. Please feel welcome to our group every Wed 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. For more information, call 365-4884 for more information.

Houlton  Council of  Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
Houlton Council of Catholic Women held its first meeting of the 2009-10 season Monday, Sept. 14. Members celebrated Holy Eucharist at Mass with the Rev. David Raymond at 6 p.m., then all gathered together with the Knights of Columbus in St. Anthony’s Hall for a potluck dinner.
Father Raymond offered the blessing before the meal. The committee was drawn from the officers: Mary Grant, co-president; Janet Barker, co-president; Jane Mitchell, vice president; Bernette Roach, treasurer; Jane Stile, recording secretary; Lois Downing, corresponding secretary and publicity chairman. Many other members helped—Molly Bailey decorated the tables with orange and yellow colors and each table had flowers.
Secretary’s minutes were given by Jane Stile; financial report given by Roach and Downing, correspondence. Downing sent out 35 birthday, graduation, get well, and sympathy cards during the summer.
Grant spoke on the state quarterly meeting July 25. Sister Carol Martin. moderator, stated that this is the Year of the Priest and offered a prayer with the subject of priests. The theme for the state convention is “Moving Forward with Faith and Joy.” The meeting will be at St. Andrew’s Parish in Augusta.Attending with Mary were Lynnette Dobbs, Alta Reardon, and Betty Ann Childers.
All attending were given the new Council booklets composed by Mary and printed by Aroostook Print Shop. All agreed they were very good.
A paper denoting past projects that HCCW had headed was distributed. Ladies voted as to what project was worthy for a possible service award to be given at Oct. 24 convention. After some discussion, the Bereavement Committee was the choice.
Janet Barker spoke on the annual rummage sale and asked for volunteers. The date for the sale is Oct. 8-10 at the parish center and hall. Donations are now accepted and Janet asked for volunteers for the sale both during and after the dates.
Cruz discussed the International Dinner, the date of which is Oct. 18 from 11:30-3:00. The income derived from the dinner will benefit the fuel fund. Cruz also asked for more help.
Mary Grant, Alta Reardon and Jane Stile will be chairing the Giving Tree project again this Christmas. Mary asked for gift bags if members have any, they would be appreciated.
Marcie Michaud was thanked for auditing Council books for the yearly audit. Marcie was the winner of the door prize.
Betty Ann Childers will present Peter Marcotte, Human Relations Manager from Community Living Association, as our guest speaker when we meet October 4.
Council members recognized birthdays and anniversaries for September. Prayer intentions were gathered for deceased members of HCCW including Alice McQuarrie and Marcia Thomas, as well as prayers for Jeff Jewell, Kevin Larson and Sally Blake.

Tops gathers in Houlton
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Sept. 25 meeting. Twenty ladies plus five TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) were in attendance. Joyce Estey, leader, was there to welcome everybody.
Joanne Scott gave the weight recorder’s report and the minutes were given by Lois Downing. The loser of the week was Melva Folsom with runner-up Janice Shaw. The skinny dish was given to Betty Ivey, winner for two weeks in a row.
Charlotte Marley announced the “Losing to Bloom” contest winner will be announced next Friday. Joyce gave her attention to the rally in Augusta in June. Brenda Lacostic, chairman, will have Betty Ivey, Barbara Grant and Denise Kinney to assist her and in making arrangements and decorations.
Also on the agenda was the Oct. 17 rally in Augusta. More plans will be made on this at a later date.
Joyce had a short reading called “Fat Rabbit.” Lois Downing also read a paragraph about yogurt and its benefits.
The following members were given charms by Melva Folsom: Lois Downing, KOPS in leeway for August; also Barbara Grant, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent. Linda Bartlett received a charm for six weeks with no gain, August 7 through September 11; loser of the month for August was also Linda Bartlett. Pictures were taken by Charlotte and Elinor Harvey.
Linda Bartlett invited all to the line dancing that she and Charlotte attend. For more iinformation on this call either lady. Joyce invited all who have extra bottles to let her know as their church is having a bottle drive to secure tables and chairs. The drive is October 10. You can call Joyce for this service.
Betty Ivey had charge of the program, her topic being nuts. Nuts are high in fat but have many other good things, such as magnesium, selenium and some are cholesterol free, rich in Vitamin E and more.
At the end of her program Betty led a game, and whispered a secret to the person next to her. When it came around to Betty again, it was revealed. Fun, yes!
Barbara Grant led us in 10 minutes of exercises before we departed for the next meeting, October 2.
Weigh-in time is 8-8:45, then the meeting starts at 9 o’clock. The meeting ends approximately an hour later.
All are welcome.