Terrence (Ted) McGillicuddy, son of Terrence B. McGillicuddy of Houlton and Patricia Leveille of Bangor, received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology on August 30, 2009, from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, Calif., after successfully defending his doctoral dissertation: “A Depth Psychological Approach to Persons with Life-Limiting Illness.” Rev. Dr. McGillicuddy will continue to work as a Chaplain at Partners Hospice in Boston, Mass. but plans to continue developing his practice, “The Anam Cara Community”, a consortium of pastoral counselors specializing in the psychospiritual therapy and spiritual direction of persons facing terminal illness. Rev. Dr. McGillicuddy resides in Medway, Mass. with his wife Linda. He is also an Anglican Priest and serves at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Marlborough, Mass.