From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news.

15 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
Staff Writer

100 Years Ago – October 27, 1909
Aroostook Times

    Congregational Church — A water motor was placed in the Congregational Church last week by the Houlton Water Co. to furnish power for pumping the organ.
    Elected — Principal H.B. Betts was elected Vice-President of the Aroostook Teachers’ Association last week and J.A. Davis, principal of the high school, a member of the executive committee.
    Crystal — John Mitchell sold a Jersey cow to Belmont Emerson last week for $50.
    Littleton — Arthur Eleiott is wearing a smile, it’s a girl.
    Monticello — Quite a lot of excitement was caused Monday evening by the alarm given out that Rev. Mr. McDonald was lost. He started out at noon to go hunting with Ralph Hoyt, a boy 10 years old, and not returning at bedtime, a searching party was sent out and at about half-past-twelve they were located near Cullins Lake, none the worse for their outing, but a little cold.

75 Years Ago-October 25, 1934
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Aroostook — Nearly half of the 6,450 farms operated by owners in the county are unencumbered by mortgages and about half of the 11 million dollar debt on others is held by Land Bank.
    First woman trial justice — Miss Ardra Hodgins has been appointed by the governor as a trial justice in Yarmouth. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Hodgins of this town.
    Excels in track — Ralph Carpenter, a scrappy Houlton High harrier, plowed through mud and water at Orono last Saturday to win the individual honors over the three and one quarter mile course in the fast time of 18 minutes, 14 seconds in the triangular meet between the Maine Freshmen’s best team, Caribou and Houlton.
    Sherman Mills — The winners in a series of card games by the Sport 8 Club were, Ella Bowers, Ida Joy, Lu Caldwell and Gladys Sleeper and were royally entertained by the losers, Madleine Curtis, Nell Seavey, Rose Rand and Nita Ellison, one night last week at the home of Mrs. Ellison. A chicken pie supper with other eats was enjoyed and then the party motored to Patten to enjoy the movies. They were accompanied to Patten by Launa and Monda Ellison.    

50 Years Ago-October 22, 1959
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Publicity — Houlton gained recognition nationwide through the printing of an article in the October United States Chamber of Commerce Newsletter.
    Teletype — The new intra-state teletyping system for seven Maine State Police points went into effect including Troop F in Houlton.
    Ricker — The annual Ricker College cheerleaders’ dance will be held Oct. 31 and will feature a Halloween masquerade ball and a novelty program which is open to the public.
    French Club — The French Club at Ricker Classical Institute has elected new officers for 1959-60. They are as follows: President, Sandra Simpson; Vice-President, Eileen Hornbrook; Secretary, Judy Smith; Treasurer, Carol White; Project Chairman, Stephen Rich; Publicity Chairman, Yana Farrally Plourde and Assistant Publicity Chairman, Donald Peabody.    

25 Years Ago-October 24, 1984

Houlton Pioneer Times

    Maine Glove — Glenn W. Clarke, owner and manager of Maine Brand Manufacturing, Inc., advised the Houlton Town Council that he expects to re-locate his business from the Houlton International Airport to Littleton.
    McDonald’s Band — Caroline Holden and Darrell Crandall, both of Houlton have been nominated to the 1984 McDonald’s All-American High School Band.
    Garden Club — The Houlton Garden Club enjoyed a program and workshop on how “To make All-Season Decorations.” Members worked on various arrangements and Ruth Ellis explained how to preserve colored leaves.
    Entertainer — Three years ago the Houlton High School auditorium was filled to capacity when alumnus, Barbara London and her trio appeared at the first Houlton Community Concert Association presentation of the 1981-82 series. London will return for a formal concert this November and will offer a workshop for high school students while she is here.
    Council member — James Peabody was sworn in as a member of the Houlton Town Council Monday night, replacing the late Ray Cunliffe. Mr. Peabody will serve as appointed member until the next annual municipal election in March.
ImageHoulton Pioneer Times 1984 File Photo
STORY HOUR — Jane Million’s Story Hour had a Halloween Party at the Cary Library. Participating were in front, Brandy Ross, Hannah Hagan, Randy Carmichael, Andrew Larson, Adam Fitzpatrick, Tammy Bragdon and Kristen Ross; second row, Marcia Lincoln, Kent Reardon, Grace Nelson, Jody Plourd, Steve Blanchette, Michael Savoy, Amanda Folsom and Christina Higgins.