How are your tax dollars spent?

15 years ago

To the editor:
    Election day is fast approaching and it’s time to ponder about past decisions on how your property tax dollars were spent by your Caribou City Council. It is my opinion that there is no effort on the majority of these council members to do due diligence on being a little more conservative with your money. Also there is an air of protectionism toward their circle of friends who do not pay their fair share of property taxes. If you have a problem with what I say just feel free to visit the tax assessor’s office and do some comparables with your property commitment to see where you fit in the scheme of things relative to property taxes. I’m sure you’ll get some eye-openers.
    Also, the department heads in this community seem to be the ones running Caribou. When is the city manager going to assume the position as leader of the pack. That being said, we have a good cross section of new candidates running for the two seats that are up for grabs on the city council this time around. Isn’t it time for a change? It’s again my opinion that incumbents that have not done very well to hold down taxes or have not come up with some original ideas on how to manage the taxpayers’ money any better than what has been done should not be reelected. New blood with common sense and who aren’t afraid to express an opinion or come up with some innovative ideas should be the ones to represent the citizens in this community. I’m sure that with all the new contenders out there that there is someone more qualified to fill these two positions.
    A cardinal rule in the good old U.S.A. is that we are to be governed by a government of the people, for the people and by the people. In Caribou we operate under an oligarchy form of government by a few with special interests. This has been a bad habit in this community for a long time and this should not continue on.
    This election is your chance to change that by electing responsible individuals who have the best interest of all the citizens of this community and not just the special few. The newcomers may not end up to be mountain movers but they’ll sure be a lot better than the status quo. All you good citizens in the private sector who are not tied to the hip of our local government had better get out and vote to protect your interest.
    It’s the private sector that bears all the burden of government spending. This is our chance to make history in Caribou, Maine and start at putting responsible people for responsible government in place. Take great pride in being an American and get out and vote.

Wilfred Martin