A frail elderly woman sits in her favorite chair in a local nursing home. Alzheimer’s disease has invaded her body; she is unable to speak, lost in her own thoughts. She sits in her chair unaware of what’s going on around her as she watches the many activities taking place in the home. Yet she smiles with a twinkle in her eyes and waves to people. Her journey in life has been long. In her 89 years, she endured the bad times and enjoyed the good years with great anticipation, for she truly loved life. To small children she’s an angel, to a young man she’s Grandma, and to the rest of the world she’s just another patient in a nursing home.
The stories she would tell if only she could talk of the wonderful times spent with family and friends around the dinner table. Her endless love given to all who knew her, no one was a stranger in the eyes of this angel, especially at Christmas.
This Christmas like every other holiday, she’ll be dressed in her favorite red dress, her white hair neatly combed, her hands clasped as if in prayer, a twinkle in her eyes and a tear. This Christmas angel in all her wisdom would remind us all of the gift of sharing, caring and compassion for people around us. For the true spirit of Christmas as we await the birth of Christ is a time for peace. A peace to be observed throughout the coming year.
Take the time this holiday season to visit your local nursing homes. Perhaps you will find this angel sitting in her chair waiting for someone to visit with her, that someone could be you or me. Bringing joy to people who need it the most is indeed the greatest gift we can give each other this holiday season.
Moscow, Idaho
Editor’s note: The preceding essay was written and contributed by Arlene Kellberg of Moscow, Idaho, a native of Presque Isle. She wrote the piece in memory of her mother and hopes it inspires others.