To the editor:
We are pleased to write this letter in support of Senator Roger Sherman’s bill, LD 1678 which seeks a resolve directing the Department of Transportation to review the fiscal impact on the State of the closure of the railroad track between Madawaska and Millinocket. As previous owners of Levesque Lumber Inc., the rail saved us over $2 million per year versus trucking the lumber to our markets, which reached as far south as Florida and as far west as Tennessee. We shipped approximately 70 percent of our lumber products by rail, and 30 percent by truck.
In our humble opinion, if the railroad would cease to exist north of Millinocket, this would be a huge disincentive for any major manufacturer of any size to locate or exist in this area. In our humble opinion, the state of Maine cannot afford not to get involved. We felt the same way when we initially got involved to rebuild Route 11, that the state could not afford not to get involved.
That you for the opportunity to present our support for this important bill and we hopefully look forward to a favorable outcome.
Mike Levesque, vice president/owner
Aroostook Internet/
Netherland Office Products
Editor’s note: This letter was written to Sen. Dennis Damon and Rep. Edward Mazurek, who are chairmen of the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Transportation.