Pregnancy Care Center’s Walk for Life nets $3,846

14 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – The Pregnancy Care Center’s 20th annual Walk for Life was held June 3, and while the weather was definitely dreary, the spirits of those in attendance were high.

“The walk went really well. The Lord was good to us considering it had been raining for two or three days leading up to – and all day – of the walk. Fortunately it didn’t rain on us at all while we were walking, so that was good,” said Rachel Juris, center director of the Presque Isle office of the Pregnancy Care Center. “We had about 60 registered walkers attend, plus others who joined, as well. I was encouraged by the number of young people from the Presque Isle Wesleyan Church youth group that participated.
“Despite the weather, people were very upbeat and positive about the two-mile walk,” said Juris. “They were having a good time sharing what they believe with the community and not shying away from it. We also had some new faces, too, which was encouraging. However, I think the weather deterred our numbers a little bit; last year we had about 100 walkers when it was a nice day.”
Christie Corey, executive director of the Pregnancy Care Center, said the center exists to offer pregnant women support “whether she’s going to parent, adopt or abort.”
“We provide support with material assistance and education to prepare her for the decision she’s going to make,” said Corey. “This year’s walk raised $3,846. That’s down quite a bit, however we’re very grateful for those who made the effort to come out on such a blah day.
“The Pregnancy Care Center is funded through fund-raisers, churches and individuals who give on a monthly basis,” she said. “We have three fund-raisers – the baby bottle drive which we completed in March. We received the largest amount of money this year … over $17,300. We also have our banquet, and of course, our Walk for Life. With only three fund-raisers, it’s critical that we get out there and push and promote what we do. The money raised pretty much covers the overall operating expenses, salaries and the materials we use for Bible studies and educational classes.”
Participants of this year’s Walk for Life gathered at Riverside Park where registration began at 6 p.m. The walk commenced at 7 p.m. Due to the weather, music, games and face painting had to be moved inside the metal building at the park.
“We had a live band, under the direction of Jeremy Hale of the Presque Isle Wesleyan Church, which sounded great,” said Juris. “We were able to still have our games and face painting. Following the walk we awarded prizes. We started that last year and it’s worked out really well. We award prizes to the top money earners in different age categories and this year we encouraged families to come out by adding a family prize, as well.”
This was Juris’ first walk as center director; a position she accepted last September.
“As center director, I told participants a little about what we do including the Give Moms Credit program in which moms can come in and go through educational programs, do Bible studies or watch videos. They can earn money toward new baby furniture like a crib, high chairs, swing, stroller and car seats,” she said. “Since they come in repeatedly, I get to know them through this process and it’s been a lot of fun. Some clients have gotten saved from this program in the past month which has been a great encouragement for all of us here.”
Twelve 12 different churches participated in the walk. Corey said churches from Caribou, Limestone, Perham, Dunntown, Mapleton, Westfield and Presque Isle were represented.
For more information on the Pregnancy Care Center, call 764-0022 or 554-8396.